{-# OPTIONS --cubical --postfix-projections --safe #-}

module Countdown where

open import Prelude
open import Data.List
open import Data.Fin

open import Data.Nat using (_+_; _*_; _∸_; _÷_; rem)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (pred; _≡ᴮ_; _<ᴮ_; discreteℕ)
open import Data.Fin.Properties using (FinToℕ)
open import Dyck
open import Data.Vec.Iterated

data Op : Type₀ where
  +′ ×′ -′ ÷′ : Op
    n m k : 

Subseq :   Type₀
Subseq = Vec Bool

module WrongPerm where
    Perm :   Type₀
    Perm n = Fin n  Fin n
module IsoPerm where
    Isomorphism : Type a  Type b  Type (a ℓ⊔ b)
    Isomorphism A B = Σ[ f  (A  B) ] Σ[ g  (B  A) ] (f  g  id) × (g  f  id)
    Perm :   Type₀
    Perm n = Isomorphism (Fin n) (Fin n)
Perm :   Type₀
Perm zero     = 
Perm (suc n)  = Fin (suc n) × Perm n
  variable ns : List 

count : Subseq n  
count = foldr′  x xs  bool 0 1 x + xs) 0
ExprTree :   Type₀
ExprTree zero     = 
ExprTree (suc n)  = Dyck 0 n × Vec Op n

Transformation : List   Type₀
Transformation ns =
  Σ[ s  Subseq (length ns) ]
    let n = count s
    in Perm n × ExprTree n
open import Cardinality.Finite.SplitEnumerable
open import Cardinality.Finite.SplitEnumerable.Inductive
open import Cardinality.Finite.SplitEnumerable.Isomorphism
open import Function.Surjective.Properties

  module OpSlop where
    open import Literals.Number
    open import Data.Nat.Literals
    open import Data.Fin.Literals
    ℰ!⟨Op⟩ : ℰ! Op
    ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .fst = +′  +′  ×′  -′  ÷′  []
    ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd +′  = 0 , refl
    ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd ×′  = 2 , refl
    ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd -′  = 3 , refl
    ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd ÷′  = 4 , refl
open import Data.List using (tabulate)
open import Data.List.Membership using (fin∈tabulate)

import Data.Unit.UniversePolymorphic as Poly

ℰ!⟨Poly⊤⟩ :  {}  ℰ! (Poly.⊤ {})
ℰ!⟨Poly⊤⟩ .fst = _  []
ℰ!⟨Poly⊤⟩ .snd _ = f0 , refl
ℰ!⟨Vec⟩ : ℰ! A  ℰ! (Vec A n)
ℰ!⟨Vec⟩ {n = zero   } ℰ!⟨A⟩ = ℰ!⟨Poly⊤⟩
ℰ!⟨Vec⟩ {n = suc n  } ℰ!⟨A⟩ = ℰ!⟨A⟩ |×| ℰ!⟨Vec⟩ ℰ!⟨A⟩
ℰ!⟨Subseq⟩ : ℰ! (Subseq n)
ℰ!⟨Subseq⟩ = ℰ!⟨Vec⟩ ℰ!⟨2⟩
ℰ!⟨Perm⟩ : ℰ! (Perm n)
ℰ!⟨Perm⟩ {n = zero   } = ℰ!⟨⊤⟩
ℰ!⟨Perm⟩ {n = suc n  } = ℰ!⟨Fin⟩ |×| ℰ!⟨Perm⟩
module _ where
  open import Literals.Number
  open import Data.Fin.Literals
  ℰ!⟨Op⟩ : ℰ! Op
  ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .fst = +′  ×′  -′  ÷′  []
  ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd +′  = 0 , refl
  ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd ×′  = 1 , refl
  ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd -′  = 2 , refl
  ℰ!⟨Op⟩ .snd ÷′  = 3 , refl
ℰ!⟨ExprTree⟩ : ℰ! (ExprTree n)
ℰ!⟨ExprTree⟩ {n = zero } = ℰ!⟨⊥⟩
ℰ!⟨ExprTree⟩ {n = suc n} = ℰ!⟨Dyck⟩ |×| ℰ!⟨Vec⟩ ℰ!⟨Op⟩

ℰ!⟨Transformation⟩ : ℰ! (Transformation ns)
ℰ!⟨Transformation⟩ = ℰ!⟨Subseq⟩ |Σ| λ _  ℰ!⟨Perm⟩ |×| ℰ!⟨ExprTree⟩
runSubseq : (xs : List A)  (ys : Subseq (length xs))  Vec A (count ys)
runSubseq []       ys = _
runSubseq (x  xs) (false , snd₁) = runSubseq xs snd₁
runSubseq (x  xs) (true , snd₁) = x , runSubseq xs snd₁

insert : A  Fin (suc n)  Vec A n  Vec A (suc n)
insert x f0 xs = x , xs
insert {n = suc _} x (fs i) (x₂ , xs) = x₂ , insert x i xs

runPerm : Perm n  Vec A n  Vec A n
runPerm {n = zero} ps _ = _
runPerm {n = suc n} (fst₁ , snd₁) (x , xs) = insert x fst₁ (runPerm snd₁ xs)

transform : (xs : List )  Transformation xs  Tree Op 
transform xs (subseq , rest) with count subseq | runSubseq xs subseq
transform xs (subseq , (perm , tree , ops)) | suc n | ys = fromDyck tree ops (runPerm perm ys)
_!⟨_⟩!_ :   Op    Maybe 
x !⟨ +′ ⟩! y = just $! (x + y)
x !⟨ ×′ ⟩! y = just $! (x * y)
x !⟨ -′ ⟩! y =
  if x <ᴮ y
    then nothing
    else just $! (x  y)
x !⟨ ÷′ ⟩! zero = nothing
x !⟨ ÷′ ⟩! suc y =
  if rem x (suc y) ≡ᴮ 0
    then just $! (x ÷ suc y)
    else nothing

eval : Tree Op   Maybe 
eval (leaf x) = just x
eval (xs  op  ys) = do
    x  eval xs
    y  eval ys
    x !⟨ op ⟩! y
  open import Data.Maybe.Sugar

open import Data.Maybe.Properties using (discreteMaybe)

Solution : List     Type₀
Solution ns n = Σ[ e  Transformation ns ] (eval (transform ns e)  just n)

solution? :  n  (e : Transformation ns)  Dec (eval (transform ns e)  just n)
solution? {ns} n e = discreteMaybe discreteℕ (eval (transform ns e)) (just n)

ℰ!⟨Solutions⟩ :
  ℰ! (Solution ns n)
ℰ!⟨Solutions⟩ {ns = ns} = filter-subobject  _  isSetMaybe _ _) (solution? {ns = ns} _) (ℰ!⟨Transformation⟩ {ns = ns})
  isSetMaybe : isSet (Maybe )
  isSetMaybe = Discrete→isSet (discreteMaybe discreteℕ)

data Disp : Type₀ where
  lit :   Disp
  _⟨+⟩_ : Disp  Disp  Disp
  _⟨*⟩_ : Disp  Disp  Disp
  _⟨-⟩_ : Disp  Disp  Disp
  _⟨÷⟩_ : Disp  Disp  Disp

appDispOp : Op  Disp  Disp  Disp
appDispOp +′ = _⟨+⟩_
appDispOp ×′ = _⟨*⟩_
appDispOp -′ = _⟨-⟩_
appDispOp ÷′ = _⟨÷⟩_

dispTree : Tree Op   Disp
dispTree (leaf x) = lit $! x
dispTree (xs  o  ys) = (appDispOp o $! dispTree xs) $! dispTree ys

open import Data.List.Syntax
exampleSolutions : ℰ! (Solution [ 1 , 3 , 7 , 10 , 25 , 50 ] 765)
exampleSolutions = ℰ!⟨Solutions⟩

example : List Disp
example = map (dispTree  transform [ 1 , 3 , 7 , 10 , 25 , 50 ]  fst) (take 1 (fst exampleSolutions))

-- Uncomment for an error which contains the solution
-- _ : example ≡ lit 0 ∷ []
-- _ = refl