{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module Cubical.Foundations.Logic where

import Cubical.Data.Empty as D
import Cubical.Data.Prod  as D
import Cubical.Data.Sum   as D
import Cubical.Data.Unit  as D

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels  using (hProp; ΣProp≡; isPropIsProp; propPi) public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary hiding (¬_)

infix 10 ¬_
infixr 8 _⊔_
infixr 8 _⊔′_
infixr 8 _⊓_
infixr 8 _⊓′_
infixr 6 _⇒_
infixr 4 _⇔_
infix 30 _≡ₚ_
infix 30 _≢ₚ_

infix 2 ∃[]-syntax
infix 2 ∃[∶]-syntax

infix 2 ∀[∶]-syntax
infix 2 ∀[]-syntax

infix 2 ⇒∶_⇐∶_
infix 2 ⇐∶_⇒∶_

-- The type hProp of mere propositions
-- the definition hProp is given in Foundations.HLevels
-- hProp {ℓ} = Σ (Type ℓ) isProp

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
    P Q R : hProp {}
    A B C : Type 

[_] : hProp  Type 
[_] = fst

∥_∥ₚ : Type   hProp
 A ∥ₚ =  A  , propTruncIsProp

_≡ₚ_ : (x y : A)  hProp
x ≡ₚ y =  x  y ∥ₚ

hProp≡ : [ P ]  [ Q ]  P  Q
hProp≡ p = ΣProp≡ (\ _  isPropIsProp) p

-- Logical implication of mere propositions

_⇒_ : (A : hProp {})  (B : hProp {ℓ'})  hProp
A  B = ([ A ]  [ B ]) , propPi λ _  B .snd

⇔toPath : [ P  Q ]  [ Q  P ]  P  Q
⇔toPath {P = P} {Q = Q} P⇒Q Q⇒P = hProp≡ (isoToPath
  (iso P⇒Q Q⇒P  b  Q .snd (P⇒Q (Q⇒P b)) b) λ a  P .snd (Q⇒P (P⇒Q a)) a))

pathTo⇒ : P  Q  [ P  Q ]
pathTo⇒ p x = subst fst  p x

pathTo⇐ : P  Q  [ Q  P ]
pathTo⇐ p x = subst fst (sym p) x

substₚ : {x y : A} (B : A  hProp {})  [ x ≡ₚ y  B x  B y ]
substₚ {x = x} {y = y} B = elimPropTrunc  _  propPi λ _  B y .snd) (subst (fst  B))

-- Mixfix notations for ⇔-toPath
-- see ⊔-identityˡ and ⊔-identityʳ for the difference

⇒∶_⇐∶_ : [ P  Q ]  [ Q  P ]  P  Q
⇒∶_⇐∶_ = ⇔toPath

⇐∶_⇒∶_ : [ Q  P ]  [ P  Q ]  P  Q
⇐∶ g ⇒∶ f  = ⇔toPath f g
-- False and True

 : hProp
 = D.⊥ , λ ()

 : hProp
 = D.Unit ,  _ _ _  D.tt)

-- Pseudo-complement of mere propositions

¬_ : hProp {}  hProp
¬ A = ([ A ]  D.⊥) , propPi λ _  D.isProp⊥

_≢ₚ_ : (x y : A)  hProp
x ≢ₚ y = ¬ x ≡ₚ y

-- Disjunction of mere propositions

_⊔′_ : Type   Type ℓ'  Type _
A ⊔′ B =  A D.⊎ B 

_⊔_ : hProp {}  hProp {ℓ'}  hProp
P  Q =  [ P ] D.⊎ [ Q ] ∥ₚ

inl : A  A ⊔′ B
inl x =  D.inl x 

inr : B  A ⊔′ B
inr x =  D.inr x 

⊔-elim : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'}) (R : [ P  Q ]  hProp {ℓ''})
   (∀ x  [ R (inl x) ])  (∀ y  [ R (inr y) ])  (∀ z  [ R z ])
⊔-elim _ _ R P⇒R Q⇒R = elimPropTrunc (snd  R) (D.elim-⊎ P⇒R Q⇒R)

-- Conjunction of mere propositions
_⊓′_ : Type   Type ℓ'  Type _
A ⊓′ B = A D.× B

_⊓_ : hProp {}  hProp {ℓ'}  hProp
A  B = [ A ] ⊓′ [ B ] , D.hLevelProd 1 (A .snd) (B .snd)

⊓-intro : (P : hProp {}) (Q : [ P ]  hProp {ℓ'}) (R : [ P ]  hProp {ℓ''})
        (∀ a  [ Q a ])  (∀ a  [ R a ])  (∀ (a : [ P ])  [ Q a  R a ] )
⊓-intro _ _ _ = D.intro-×

-- Logical bi-implication of mere propositions

_⇔_ : hProp {}  hProp {ℓ'}  hProp
A  B = (A  B)  (B  A)

-- Universal Quantifier

∀[∶]-syntax : (A  hProp {})  hProp
∀[∶]-syntax {A = A} P = (∀ x  [ P x ]) , propPi (snd  P)

∀[]-syntax : (A  hProp {})  hProp
∀[]-syntax {A = A} P = (∀ x  [ P x ]) , propPi (snd  P)

syntax ∀[∶]-syntax {A = A}  a  P) = ∀[ a  A ] P
syntax ∀[]-syntax  a  P)          = ∀[ a ] P
-- Existential Quantifier

∃[]-syntax : (A  hProp {})  hProp
∃[]-syntax {A = A} P =  Σ A (fst  P) ∥ₚ

∃[∶]-syntax : (A  hProp {})  hProp
∃[∶]-syntax {A = A} P =  Σ A (fst  P) ∥ₚ

syntax ∃[]-syntax {A = A}  x  P) = ∃[ x  A ] P
syntax ∃[∶]-syntax  x  P) = ∃[ x ] P
-- Decidable mere proposition

Decₚ : (P : hProp {})  hProp {}
Decₚ P = Dec [ P ] , isPropDec (snd P)

-- Negation commutes with truncation

∥¬A∥≡¬∥A∥ : (A : Type )   (A  D.⊥) ∥ₚ  (¬  A ∥ₚ)
∥¬A∥≡¬∥A∥ _ =
  ⇒∶  ¬A A  elimPropTrunc  _  D.isProp⊥)
    (elimPropTrunc  _  propPi λ _  D.isProp⊥)  ¬p p  ¬p p) ¬A) A)
  ⇐∶ λ ¬p    p  ¬p  p ) 

-- (hProp, ⊔, ⊥) is a bounded ⊔-semilattice

⊔-assoc : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'}) (R : hProp {ℓ''})
   P  (Q  R)  (P  Q)  R
⊔-assoc P Q R =
  ⇒∶ ⊔-elim P (Q  R)  _  (P  Q)  R)
    (inl  inl)
    (⊔-elim Q R  _  (P  Q)  R) (inl  inr) inr)

  ⇐∶ assoc2
    assoc2 : (A ⊔′ B) ⊔′ C  A ⊔′ (B ⊔′ C)
    assoc2  D.inr a  =  D.inr  D.inr a  
    assoc2  D.inl  D.inr b   =  D.inr  D.inl b  
    assoc2  D.inl  D.inl c   =  D.inl c 
    assoc2  D.inl (squash x y i)  = propTruncIsProp (assoc2  D.inl x ) (assoc2  D.inl y ) i
    assoc2 (squash x y i)           = propTruncIsProp (assoc2 x) (assoc2 y) i

⊔-idem : (P : hProp {})  P  P  P
⊔-idem P =
  ⇒∶ (⊔-elim P P (\ _  P) (\ x  x) (\ x  x))
  ⇐∶ inl

⊔-comm : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'})  P  Q  Q  P
⊔-comm P Q =
  ⇒∶ (⊔-elim P Q (\ _  (Q  P)) inr inl)
  ⇐∶ (⊔-elim Q P (\ _  (P  Q)) inr inl)

⊔-identityˡ : (P : hProp {})    P  P
⊔-identityˡ P =
  ⇒∶ (⊔-elim  P  _  P)  ())  x  x))
  ⇐∶ inr

⊔-identityʳ : (P : hProp {})  P    P
⊔-identityʳ P = ⇔toPath (⊔-elim P   _  P)  x  x) λ ()) inl

-- (hProp, ⊓, ⊤) is a bounded ⊓-lattice

⊓-assoc : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'}) (R : hProp {ℓ''})
   P  Q  R  (P  Q)  R
⊓-assoc _ _ _ =
  ⇒∶  {(x D., (y D., z))   (x D., y) D., z})
  ⇐∶  {((x D., y) D., z)  x D., (y D., z) })

⊓-comm : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'})  P  Q  Q  P
⊓-comm _ _ = ⇔toPath D.swap D.swap

⊓-idem : (P : hProp {})  P  P  P
⊓-idem _ = ⇔toPath D.proj₁  x  x D., x)

⊓-identityˡ : (P : hProp {})    P  P
⊓-identityˡ _ = ⇔toPath D.proj₂ λ x  D.tt D., x

⊓-identityʳ : (P : hProp {})  P    P
⊓-identityʳ _ = ⇔toPath D.proj₁ λ x  x D., D.tt

-- Distributive laws

⇒-⊓-distrib : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'})(R : hProp {ℓ''})
   P  (Q  R)  (P  Q)  (P  R)
⇒-⊓-distrib _ _ _ =
  ⇒∶  f  (D.proj₁  f) D., (D.proj₂  f))
  ⇐∶  { (f D., g) x  f x D., g x})

⊓-⊔-distribˡ : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'})(R : hProp {ℓ''})
   P  (Q  R)  (P  Q)  (P  R)
⊓-⊔-distribˡ P Q R =
  ⇒∶  { (x D., a)  ⊔-elim Q R  _  (P  Q)  (P  R))
         y   D.inl (x D., y)  )
         z   D.inr (x D., z)  ) a })

  ⇐∶ ⊔-elim (P  Q) (P  R)  _  P  Q  R)
        y  D.proj₁ y D., inl (D.proj₂ y))
        z  D.proj₁ z D., inr (D.proj₂ z))

⊔-⊓-distribˡ : (P : hProp {}) (Q : hProp {ℓ'})(R : hProp {ℓ''})
   P  (Q  R)  (P  Q)  (P  R)
⊔-⊓-distribˡ P Q R =
  ⇒∶ ⊔-elim P (Q  R)  _  (P  Q)  (P  R) )
    (D.intro-× inl inl) (D.map-× inr inr)

  ⇐∶  { (x D., y)  ⊔-elim P R  _  P  Q  R) inl
       z  ⊔-elim P Q  _  P  Q  R) inl  y  inr (y D., z)) x) y })

⊓-∀-distrib :  (P : A  hProp {}) (Q : A  hProp {ℓ'})
   (∀[ a  A ] P a)  (∀[ a  A ] Q a)  (∀[ a  A ] (P a  Q a))
⊓-∀-distrib P Q =
  ⇒∶  {(p D., q) a  p a D., q a})
  ⇐∶ λ pq  (D.proj₁  pq ) D., (D.proj₂  pq)