{-# OPTIONS --safe --cubical #-}

module Relation.Binary where

open import Level
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Path as  hiding (sym; refl)
open import Data.Sum
open import Function
open import Data.Bool as Bool using (Bool; true; false; T; bool)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Relation.Nullary.Discrete

module _ (_~_ : A  A  Type b) where
  Reflexive : Type _
  Reflexive =  {x}  x ~ x

  Transitive : Type _
  Transitive =  {x y z}  x ~ y  y ~ z  x ~ z

  Symmetric : Type _
  Symmetric =  {x y}  x ~ y  y ~ x

  Decidable : Type _
  Decidable =  x y  Dec (x ~ y)

  Antisymmetric : Type _
  Antisymmetric =  {x y}  x ~ y  y ~ x  x  y

  Total : Type _
  Total =  x y  (x ~ y)  (y ~ x)

data Tri {a r₁ r₂ r₃} {A : Type a} (R₁ : A  A  Type r₁) (R₂ : A  A  Type r₂) (R₃ : A  A  Type r₃) (x y : A) : Type (a ℓ⊔ r₁ ℓ⊔ r₂ ℓ⊔ r₃) where
  lt : (x<y : R₁ x y)  Tri R₁ R₂ R₃ x y
  eq : (x≡y : R₂ x y)  Tri R₁ R₂ R₃ x y
  gt : (x>y : R₃ x y)  Tri R₁ R₂ R₃ x y

record PartialOrder {ℓ₁} (𝑆 : Type ℓ₁) ℓ₂ : Type (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓsuc ℓ₂) where
  infix 4 _≤_
    _≤_ : 𝑆  𝑆  Type ℓ₂
    refl : Reflexive _≤_
    antisym : Antisymmetric _≤_
    trans : Transitive _≤_

record TotalOrder {ℓ₁} (𝑆 : Type ℓ₁) ℓ₂ : Type (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓsuc ℓ₂) where
    partialOrder : PartialOrder 𝑆 ℓ₂
  open PartialOrder partialOrder public

  infix 4 _≤ᵇ_ _≤?_
    _≤?_ : Total _≤_

  _≤ᵇ_ : 𝑆  𝑆  Bool
  x ≤ᵇ y = is-l (x ≤? y)

  open import Data.Unit
  open import Data.Empty
  open import Data.Sigma

  total⇒discrete : Discrete 𝑆
  total⇒discrete x y with x ≤? y | inspect (x ≤?_) y | y ≤? x | inspect (y ≤?_) x
  total⇒discrete x y | inl x₁ |  xy  | inl x₂ |  yx  = yes (antisym x₁ x₂)
  total⇒discrete x y | inr x₁ |  xy  | inr x₂ |  yx  = yes (antisym x₂ x₁)
  total⇒discrete x y | inl x₁ |  xy  | inr x₂ |  yx  = no  p  subst (bool  ) (cong is-l (≡.sym xy) ; cong₂ _≤ᵇ_ p (≡.sym p) ; cong is-l yx) tt)
  total⇒discrete x y | inr x₁ |  xy  | inl x₂ |  yx  = no  p  subst (bool  ) (cong is-l (≡.sym xy) ; cong₂ _≤ᵇ_ p (≡.sym p) ; cong is-l yx) tt)

  infix 4 _<_
  _<_ : 𝑆  𝑆  Type (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)
  x < y = (x  y) × (x  y)

  Ordering : 𝑆  𝑆  Type (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)
  Ordering = Tri _<_ _≡_ (flip _<_)

  compare :  x y  Ordering x y
  compare x y with x ≤? y | inspect (x ≤?_) y | y ≤? x | inspect (y ≤?_) x
  compare x y | inl x₁ |  xy  | inl x₂ |  yx  = eq (antisym x₁ x₂)
  compare x y | inr x₁ |  xy  | inr x₂ |  yx  = eq (antisym x₂ x₁)
  compare x y | inl x₁ |  xy  | inr x₂ |  yx  = lt ((λ p  subst (bool  ) (cong is-l (≡.sym xy) ; cong₂ _≤ᵇ_ p (≡.sym p) ; cong is-l yx) tt) , x₁)
  compare x y | inr x₁ |  xy  | inl x₂ |  yx  = gt ((λ p  subst (bool  ) (cong is-l (≡.sym xy) ; cong₂ _≤ᵇ_ (≡.sym p) p ; cong is-l yx) tt) , x₁)

record Equivalence {ℓ₁} (𝑆 : Type ℓ₁) ℓ₂ : Type (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓsuc ℓ₂) where
  infix 4 _≋_
    _≋_ : 𝑆  𝑆  Type ℓ₂
    sym   :  {x y}  x  y  y  x
    refl  :  {x}  x  x
    trans :  {x y z}  x  y  y  z  x  z

≡-equivalence :  {a} {A : Set a}  Equivalence A a
≡-equivalence = record
  { _≋_ = _≡_
  ; sym = ≡.sym
  ; refl = ≡.refl
  ; trans = _;_