
In this file we apply the cubical machinery to Martin Hötzel-Escardó's
structure identity principle:


{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}
module Cubical.Foundations.SIP where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence renaming (ua-pathToEquiv to ua-pathToEquiv')
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.FunExtEquiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HAEquiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Prod.Base hiding (_×_) renaming (_×Σ_ to _×_)

   ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄ ℓ₅ : Level

-- For technical reasons we reprove ua-pathToEquiv using the
-- particular proof constructed by iso→HAEquiv. The reason is that we
-- want to later be able to extract
--   eq : ua-au (ua e) ≡ cong ua (au-ua e)
uaHAEquiv : (A B : Type )  HAEquiv (A  B) (A  B)
uaHAEquiv A B = iso→HAEquiv (iso ua pathToEquiv ua-pathToEquiv' pathToEquiv-ua)
open isHAEquiv

-- We now extract the particular proof constructed from iso→HAEquiv
-- for reasons explained above.
ua-pathToEquiv : {A B : Type } (e : A  B)  ua (pathToEquiv e)  e
ua-pathToEquiv e = uaHAEquiv _ _ .snd .ret e

-- A structure is a type-family S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ', i.e. for X : Type ℓ and s : S X, the pair (X , s)
-- means that X is equipped with a S-structure, which is witnessed by s.
-- An S-structure should have a notion of S-homomorphism, or rather S-isomorphism.
-- This will be implemented by a function ι
-- that gives us for any two types with S-structure (X , s) and (Y , t) a family:
--    ι (X , s) (Y , t) : (X ≃ Y) → Type ℓ''
-- Note that for any equivalence (f , e) : X ≃ Y the type  ι (X , s) (Y , t) (f , e) need not to be
-- a proposition. Indeed this type should correspond to the ways s and t can be identified
-- as S-structures. This we call a standard notion of structure or SNS.
-- We will use a different definition, but the two definitions are interchangeable.
SNS : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
     (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
     Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max(ℓ-suc ) ℓ') ℓ'')
SNS  { = } S ι =  {X : (Type )} (s t : S X)  ((s  t)  ι (X , s) (X , t) (idEquiv X))

-- We introduce the notation for structure preserving equivalences a bit differently,
-- but this definition doesn't actually change from Escardó's notes.
_≃[_]_ : {S : Type   Type ℓ'}
        (A : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
        (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
        (B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
        Type (ℓ-max  ℓ'')
A ≃[ ι ] B = Σ[ f  ((A .fst)  (B. fst)) ] (ι A B f)

-- Before we can formulate our version of an SNS we introduce a bit of
-- notation and prove a few basic results. First, we define the
-- "cong-≃":
_⋆_ : (S : Type   Type ℓ')  {X Y : Type }  (X  Y)  S X  S Y
S  f = pathToEquiv (cong S (ua f))

-- Next, we prove a couple of helpful results about this ⋆ operation:
⋆-idEquiv : (S : Type   Type ℓ') (X : Type )  S  (idEquiv X)  idEquiv (S X)
⋆-idEquiv S X = S  (idEquiv X)  ≡⟨ cong  p  pathToEquiv (cong S p)) uaIdEquiv  
                pathToEquiv refl ≡⟨ pathToEquivRefl 
                idEquiv (S X)    

⋆-char : (S : Type   Type ℓ') {X Y : Type } (f : X  Y)  ua (S  f)  cong S (ua f)
⋆-char S f = ua-pathToEquiv (cong S (ua f))

PathP-⋆-lemma : (S : Type   Type ℓ') (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X)) (f : A .fst  B .fst)
     (PathP  i   ua (S  f) i) (A .snd) (B .snd))  (PathP  i  S ((ua f) i)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
PathP-⋆-lemma S A B f i = PathP  j  (⋆-char S f) i j) (A .snd) (B .snd)

-- Our new definition of standard notion of structure SNS' using the ⋆ notation.
-- This is easier to work with than SNS wrt Glue-types
SNS' : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
      (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
      Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max(ℓ-suc ) ℓ') ℓ'')
SNS' S ι = (A B : Σ[ X  (Type _) ] (S X))  (f : A .fst  B .fst)
          (equivFun (S  f) (A .snd)  (B .snd))  (ι A B f)

-- We can unfold SNS' as follows:
SNS'' : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
      (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
      Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max(ℓ-suc ) ℓ') ℓ'')
SNS''  S ι = (A B : Σ[ X  (Type _) ] (S X))  (f : A .fst  B .fst)
           (transport  i  S (ua f i)) (A .snd)  (B .snd))  (ι A B f)

SNS'≡SNS'' : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
            (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
            SNS' S ι  SNS'' S ι
SNS'≡SNS'' S ι = refl

-- A quick sanity-check that our definition is interchangeable with
-- Escardó's. The direction SNS→SNS' corresponds more or less to an
-- EquivJ formulation of Escardó's homomorphism-lemma.
SNS'→SNS : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
          (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
          SNS' S ι  SNS S ι
SNS'→SNS S ι θ {X = X} s t = subst  x  (equivFun x s  t)  ι (X , s) (X , t) (idEquiv X)) (⋆-idEquiv S X) θ-id
   θ-id = θ (X , s) (X , t) (idEquiv X)

SNS→SNS' : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
          (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
          SNS S ι  SNS' S ι
SNS→SNS' S ι θ A B f = EquivJ P C (B .fst) (A .fst) f (B .snd) (A .snd)
   P : (X Y : Type _)  Y  X  Type _
   P X Y g = (s : S X) (t : S Y)  (equivFun (S  g) t  s)  ι (Y , t) (X , s) g

   C : (X : Type _)  (s t : S X)  (equivFun (S  (idEquiv X)) t  s)  ι (X , t) (X , s) (idEquiv X)
   C X s t = subst  u   (u  s)  (ι (X , t) (X , s) (idEquiv X)))
                   (sym ( cong  f  (equivFun f) t) (⋆-idEquiv S X))) (θ t s)

-- The following transport-free version of SNS'' is a bit easier to
-- work with for the proof of the SIP
SNS''' : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
        (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
        Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max(ℓ-suc ) ℓ') ℓ'')
SNS''' S ι = (A B : Σ[ X  (Type _) ] (S X))  (e : A .fst  B .fst)
           (PathP  i  S (ua e i)) (A .snd) (B .snd))  ι A B e

-- We can easily go between SNS'' (which is def. equal to SNS') and SNS'''
-- We should be able to find are more direct version of PathP≃Path for the family (λ i → S (ua f i))
-- using glue and unglue terms.
SNS''→SNS''' : {S : Type   Type ℓ'}
              {ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ''}
              SNS'' S ι  SNS''' S ι
SNS''→SNS''' {S = S} h A B f =  PathP  i  S (ua f i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
                             ≃⟨ PathP≃Path  i  S (ua f i)) (A .snd) (B .snd) 
                                h A B f

SNS'''→SNS'' : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
              (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
              SNS''' S ι  SNS'' S ι
SNS'''→SNS'' S ι h A B f =  transport  i  S (ua f i)) (A .snd)  (B .snd)
                         ≃⟨ invEquiv (PathP≃Path  i  S (ua f i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)) 
                            h A B f

-- We can now directly define a function
--    sip : A ≃[ ι ] B → A ≡ B
-- together with is inverse.
-- Here, these functions use SNS''' and are expressed using a Σ-type instead as it is a bit
-- easier to work with
sip : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
     (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
     (θ : SNS''' S ι)
     (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
     A ≃[ ι ] B
     Σ (A .fst  B .fst)  p  PathP  i  S (p i)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
sip S ι θ A B (e , p) = ua e , invEq (θ A B e) p

-- The inverse to sip using the following little lemma
lem : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
      (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
      (e : A .fst  B .fst)
     PathP  i  S (ua (pathToEquiv e) i)) (A .snd) (B .snd) 
      PathP  i  S (e i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
lem S A B e i = PathP  j  S (ua-pathToEquiv e i j)) (A .snd) (B .snd)

sip⁻ : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
      (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
      (θ : SNS''' S ι)
      (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
      Σ (A .fst  B .fst)  p  PathP  i  S (p i)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
      A ≃[ ι ] B
sip⁻ S ι θ A B (e , r) = pathToEquiv e , θ A B (pathToEquiv e) .fst q
  q : PathP  i  S (ua (pathToEquiv e) i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
  q = transport  i  lem S A B e (~ i)) r

-- we can rather directly show that sip and sip⁻ are mutually inverse:
sip-sip⁻ : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
          (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
          (θ : SNS''' S ι)
          (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
          (r : Σ (A .fst  B .fst)  p  PathP  i  S (p i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)))
          sip S ι θ A B (sip⁻ S ι θ A B r)  r
sip-sip⁻ S ι θ A B (p , q) =
    sip S ι θ A B (sip⁻ S ι θ A B (p , q))
  ≡⟨ refl 
    ua (pathToEquiv p) , invEq (θ A B (pathToEquiv p)) (θ A B (pathToEquiv p) .fst (transport  i  lem S A B p (~ i)) q))
  ≡⟨  i  ua (pathToEquiv p) , secEq (θ A B (pathToEquiv p)) (transport  i  lem S A B p (~ i)) q) i) 
    ua (pathToEquiv p) , transport  i  lem S A B p (~ i)) q
  ≡⟨  i  ua-pathToEquiv p i ,
            transp  k  PathP  j  S (ua-pathToEquiv p (i  k) j)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
                   (~ i)
                   (transport  i  lem S A B p (~ i)) q)) 
    p , transport  i  lem S A B p i) (transport  i  lem S A B p (~ i)) q)
  ≡⟨  i  p , transportTransport⁻ (lem S A B p) q i) 
    p , q 

-- The trickier direction:
sip⁻-sip : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
          (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
          (θ : SNS''' S ι)
          (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
          (r : A ≃[ ι ] B)
          sip⁻ S ι θ A B (sip S ι θ A B r)  r
sip⁻-sip S ι θ A B (e , p) =
    sip⁻ S ι θ A B (sip S ι θ A B (e , p))
  ≡⟨ refl 
    pathToEquiv (ua e) , θ A B (pathToEquiv (ua e)) .fst (f⁺ p')
  ≡⟨  i  pathToEquiv-ua e i , θ A B (pathToEquiv-ua e i) .fst (pth' i)) 
    e , θ A B e .fst (f⁻ (f⁺ p'))
  ≡⟨  i  e , θ A B e .fst (transportTransport⁻ (lem S A B (ua e)) p' i)) 
    e , θ A B e .fst (invEq (θ A B e) p)
  ≡⟨  i  e , (retEq (θ A B e) p i)) 
    e , p 
  p' : PathP  i  S (ua e i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
  p' = invEq (θ A B e) p

  f⁺ : PathP  i  S (ua e i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
      PathP  i  S (ua (pathToEquiv (ua e)) i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
  f⁺ = transport  i  PathP  j  S (ua-pathToEquiv (ua e) (~ i) j)) (A .snd) (B .snd))

  f⁻ : PathP  i  S (ua (pathToEquiv (ua e)) i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
      PathP  i  S (ua e i)) (A .snd) (B .snd)
  f⁻ = transport  i  PathP  j  S (ua-pathToEquiv (ua e) i j)) (A .snd) (B .snd))

  -- We can prove the following as in sip∘pis-id, but the type is not
  -- what we want as it should be "cong ua (pathToEquiv-ua e)"
  pth : PathP  j  PathP  k  S (ua-pathToEquiv (ua e) j k)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
              (f⁺ p') (f⁻ (f⁺ p'))
  pth i = transp  k  PathP  j  S (ua-pathToEquiv (ua e) (i  k) j)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
                 (~ i)
                 (f⁺ p')

  -- So we build an equality that we want to cast the types with
  casteq : PathP  j  PathP  k  S (ua-pathToEquiv (ua e) j k)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
                 (f⁺ p') (f⁻ (f⁺ p'))
          PathP  j  PathP  k  S (cong ua (pathToEquiv-ua e) j k)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
                 (f⁺ p') (f⁻ (f⁺ p'))
  casteq i = PathP  j  PathP  k  S (eq i j k)) (A .snd) (B .snd)) (f⁺ p') (f⁻ (f⁺ p'))
    -- This is where we need the half-adjoint equivalence property
    eq : ua-pathToEquiv (ua e)  cong ua (pathToEquiv-ua e)
    eq = sym (uaHAEquiv (A .fst) (B .fst) .snd .com e)

  -- We then get a term of the type we need
  pth' : PathP  j  PathP  k  S (cong ua (pathToEquiv-ua e) j k)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
               (f⁺ p') (f⁻ (f⁺ p'))
  pth' = transport  i  casteq i) pth

-- Finally package everything up to get the cubical SIP
SIP : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
     (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
     (θ : SNS''' S ι)
     (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))
     A ≃[ ι ] B  (A  B)
SIP S ι θ A B = (A ≃[ ι ] B ) ≃⟨ eq  Σ≡
  eq : A ≃[ ι ] B  Σ (A .fst  B .fst)  p  PathP  i  S (p i)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
  eq = isoToEquiv (iso (sip S ι θ A B) (sip⁻ S ι θ A B)
                       (sip-sip⁻ S ι θ A B) (sip⁻-sip S ι θ A B))

-- Now, we want to add axioms (i.e. propositions) to our Structure S that don't affect the ι.
-- For this and the remainder of this file we will work with SNS'
-- We use a lemma due to Zesen Qian, which can now be found in Foundations.Prelude:
-- https://github.com/riaqn/cubical/blob/hgroup/Cubical/Data/Group/Properties.agda#L83
add-to-structure : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
                   (axioms : (X : Type )  (S X)  Type ℓ''')
                  Type   Type (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''')
add-to-structure S axioms X = Σ[ s  S X ] (axioms X s)

add-to-iso : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
             (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
             (axioms : (X : Type )  (S X)  Type ℓ''')
            (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (add-to-structure S axioms X))  A .fst  B .fst
            Type ℓ''
add-to-iso S ι axioms (X , (s , a)) (Y , (t , b)) f = ι (X , s) (Y , t) f

add-⋆-lemma : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
              (axioms : (X : Type )  (S X)  Type ℓ''')
              (axioms-are-Props : (X : Type ) (s : S X)  isProp (axioms X s))
              {X Y : Type } {s : S X} {t : S Y} {a : axioms X s} {b : axioms Y t}
              (f : X  Y)
             (equivFun (add-to-structure S axioms  f) (s , a)  (t , b))  (equivFun (S  f) s  t)
add-⋆-lemma S axioms axioms-are-Props {Y = Y} {s = s} {t = t} {a = a} {b = b} f = isoToEquiv (iso φ ψ η ε)
       φ : equivFun ((add-to-structure S axioms)  f) (s , a)  (t , b)
          equivFun (S  f) s  t
       φ r i = r i .fst

       ψ : equivFun (S  f) s  t
          equivFun ((add-to-structure S axioms)  f) (s , a)  (t , b)
       ψ p i = p i , isProp→PathP  j  axioms-are-Props Y (p j)) (equivFun (add-to-structure S axioms  f) (s , a) .snd) b i

       η : section φ ψ
       η p = refl

       ε : retract φ ψ
       ε r i j = r j .fst
               , isProp→isSet-PathP  k  axioms-are-Props Y (r k .fst)) _ _
                                    (isProp→PathP  j  axioms-are-Props Y (r j .fst))
                                                  (equivFun (add-to-structure S axioms  f) (s , a) .snd) b)
                                     k  r k .snd) i j

add-axioms-SNS' : (S : Type   Type ℓ')
                  (ι : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ) ] (S X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ'')
                  (axioms : (X : Type )  (S X)  Type ℓ''')
                  (axioms-are-Props : (X : Type ) (s : S X)  isProp (axioms X s))
                  (θ : SNS' S ι)
                 SNS' (add-to-structure S axioms) (add-to-iso S ι axioms)
add-axioms-SNS' S ι axioms axioms-are-Props θ (X , (s , a)) (Y , (t , b)) f =
               equivFun (add-to-structure S axioms  f) (s , a)  (t , b) ≃⟨ add-⋆-lemma S axioms axioms-are-Props f 
               equivFun (S  f) s  t                                     ≃⟨ θ (X , s) (Y , t) f 
               add-to-iso S ι axioms (X , (s , a)) (Y , (t , b)) f 

-- Now, we want to join two structures. Together with the adding of
-- axioms this will allow us to prove that a lot of mathematical
-- structures are a standard notion of structure
technical-×-lemma : {A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} {C : Type ℓ₃} {D : Type ℓ₄}
                   A  C  B  D  A × B  C × D
technical-×-lemma {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} {D = D} f g = isoToEquiv (iso φ ψ η ε)
  φ : (A × B)  (C × D)
  φ (a , b) = equivFun f a , equivFun g b

  ψ : (C × D)  (A × B)
  ψ (c , d) = equivFun (invEquiv f) c , equivFun (invEquiv g) d

  η : section φ ψ
  η (c , d) i = retEq f c i , retEq g d i

  ε : retract φ ψ
  ε (a , b) i = secEq f a i , secEq g b i

join-structure : (S₁ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₂) (S₂ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₄)
                 Type ℓ₁  Type (ℓ-max ℓ₂ ℓ₄)
join-structure S₁ S₂ X = S₁ X × S₂ X

join-iso : {S₁ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₂}
           (ι₁ : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ℓ₁) ] (S₁ X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ₃)
           {S₂ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₄}
           (ι₂ : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ℓ₁) ] (S₂ X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ₅)
           (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ℓ₁) ] (join-structure S₁ S₂ X))
          A .fst  B .fst
          Type (ℓ-max ℓ₃ ℓ₅)
join-iso ι₁ ι₂ (X , s₁ , s₂) (Y , t₁ , t₂) f = (ι₁ (X , s₁) (Y , t₁) f) × (ι₂ (X , s₂) (Y , t₂) f)

join-⋆-lemma : (S₁ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₂) (S₂ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₄)
               {X Y : Type ℓ₁} {s₁ : S₁ X} {s₂ : S₂ X} {t₁ : S₁ Y} {t₂ : S₂ Y} (f : X  Y)
              (equivFun (join-structure S₁ S₂  f) (s₁ , s₂)  (t₁ , t₂)) 
               (equivFun (S₁  f) s₁  t₁) × (equivFun (S₂  f) s₂  t₂)
join-⋆-lemma S₁ S₂ {Y = Y} {s₁ = s₁} {s₂ = s₂} {t₁ = t₁} {t₂ = t₂} f = isoToEquiv (iso φ ψ η ε)
    φ : equivFun (join-structure S₁ S₂  f) (s₁ , s₂)  (t₁ , t₂)
       (equivFun (S₁  f) s₁  t₁) × (equivFun (S₂  f) s₂  t₂)
    φ p =  i  p i .fst) ,  i  p i .snd)

    ψ : (equivFun (S₁  f) s₁  t₁) × (equivFun (S₂  f) s₂  t₂)
       equivFun (join-structure S₁ S₂  f) (s₁ , s₂)  (t₁ , t₂)
    ψ (p , q) i = (p i) , (q i)

    η : section φ ψ
    η (p , q) = refl

    ε : retract φ ψ
    ε p = refl

join-SNS' : (S₁ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₂)
            (ι₁ : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ℓ₁) ] (S₁ X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ₃)
            (θ₁ : SNS' S₁ ι₁)
            (S₂ : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₄)
            (ι₂ : (A B : Σ[ X  (Type ℓ₁) ] (S₂ X))  A .fst  B .fst  Type ℓ₅)
            (θ₂ : SNS' S₂ ι₂)
           SNS' (join-structure S₁ S₂) (join-iso ι₁ ι₂)
join-SNS' S₁ ι₁ θ₁ S₂ ι₂ θ₂ (X , s₁ , s₂) (Y , t₁ , t₂) f =
    equivFun (join-structure S₁ S₂  f) (s₁ , s₂)  (t₁ , t₂)
  ≃⟨ join-⋆-lemma S₁ S₂ f 
    (equivFun (S₁  f) s₁  t₁) × (equivFun (S₂  f) s₂  t₂)
  ≃⟨ technical-×-lemma (θ₁ (X , s₁) (Y , t₁) f) (θ₂ (X , s₂) (Y , t₂) f)  
    join-iso ι₁ ι₂ (X , s₁ , s₂) (Y , t₁ , t₂) f 

-- Now, we want to do Monoids as an example. We begin by showing SNS' for simple structures, i.e. pointed types and ∞-magmas.
-- Pointed types with SNS'
pointed-structure : Type   Type 
pointed-structure X = X

Pointed-Type : Type (ℓ-suc )
Pointed-Type { = } = Σ (Type ) pointed-structure

pointed-iso : (A B : Pointed-Type)  A .fst  B .fst  Type 
pointed-iso A B f = equivFun f (A .snd)  B .snd

pointed-is-SNS' : SNS' { = } pointed-structure pointed-iso
pointed-is-SNS' A B f = transportEquiv  i  transportRefl (equivFun f (A .snd)) i  B .snd)

-- ∞-Magmas with SNS'
-- We need function extensionality for binary functions.
-- TODO: upstream
funExtBin : {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'} {C : (x : A)  B x  Type ℓ''} {f g : (x : A)  (y : B x)  C x y}
            ((x : A) (y : B x)  f x y  g x y)  f  g
funExtBin p i x y = p x y i
module _ { ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'} {C : (x : A)  B x  Type ℓ''} {f g : (x : A)  (y : B x)  C x y} where
    appl : f  g   x y  f x y  g x y
    appl eq x y i = eq i x y

    fib : (p : f  g)  fiber funExtBin p
    fib p = (appl p , refl)

      : (p : f  g)
       (fi : fiber funExtBin p)
       fib p  fi
    funExtBin-fiber-isContr p (h , eq) i = (appl (eq (~ i)) , λ j  eq (~ i  j))

  funExtBin-isEquiv : isEquiv funExtBin
  equiv-proof funExtBin-isEquiv p = (fib p , funExtBin-fiber-isContr p)

  funExtBinEquiv : (∀ x y  f x y  g x y)  (f  g)
  funExtBinEquiv = (funExtBin , funExtBin-isEquiv)

-- ∞-Magmas
∞-magma-structure : Type   Type 
∞-magma-structure X = X  X  X

∞-Magma : Type (ℓ-suc )
∞-Magma { = } = Σ (Type ) ∞-magma-structure

∞-magma-iso : (A B : ∞-Magma)  A .fst  B .fst  Type 
∞-magma-iso (X , _·_) (Y , _∗_) f = (x x' : X)  equivFun f (x · x')  (equivFun f x)  (equivFun f x')

∞-magma-is-SNS' : SNS' { = } ∞-magma-structure ∞-magma-iso
∞-magma-is-SNS' (X , _·_) (Y , _∗_) f = SNS→SNS' ∞-magma-structure ∞-magma-iso C (X , _·_) (Y , _∗_) f
  C : {X : Type } (_·_ _∗_ : X  X  X)  (_·_  _∗_)  ((x x' : X)  (x · x')  (x  x'))
  C _·_ _∗_ = invEquiv funExtBinEquiv

-- Now we're getting serious: Monoids
raw-monoid-structure : Type   Type 
raw-monoid-structure X = X × (X  X  X)

raw-monoid-iso : (M N : Σ (Type ) raw-monoid-structure)  (M .fst)  (N .fst)  Type 
raw-monoid-iso (M , e , _·_) (N , d , _∗_) f = (equivFun f e  d)
                        × ((x y : M)  equivFun f (x · y)  (equivFun f x)  (equivFun f y))

-- If we ignore the axioms we get something like a "raw" monoid, which essentially is the join of a pointed type and an ∞-magma
raw-monoid-is-SNS' : SNS' { = } raw-monoid-structure raw-monoid-iso
raw-monoid-is-SNS' = join-SNS' pointed-structure pointed-iso pointed-is-SNS'
                               ∞-magma-structure ∞-magma-iso ∞-magma-is-SNS'

-- Now define monoids
monoid-axioms : (X : Type )  raw-monoid-structure X  Type 
monoid-axioms X (e , _·_ ) = isSet X
                           × ((x y z : X)  (x · (y · z))  ((x · y) · z))
                           × ((x : X)  (x · e)  x)
                           × ((x : X)  (e · x)  x)

monoid-structure : Type   Type 
monoid-structure = add-to-structure (raw-monoid-structure) monoid-axioms

-- TODO: it might be nicer to formulate the SIP lemmas so that they're
-- easier to use for things that are not "completely packaged"
Monoids : Type (ℓ-suc )
Monoids = Σ (Type _) monoid-structure

monoid-iso : (M N : Monoids)  M .fst  N .fst  Type 
monoid-iso = add-to-iso raw-monoid-structure raw-monoid-iso monoid-axioms

-- We have to show that the monoid axioms are indeed Propositions
monoid-axioms-are-Props : (X : Type ) (s : raw-monoid-structure X)  isProp (monoid-axioms X s)
monoid-axioms-are-Props X (e , _·_) s = β s
   α = s .fst
   β =      isOfHLevelΣ 1 isPropIsSet
      λ _  isOfHLevelΣ 1 (hLevelPi 1  x  hLevelPi 1 λ y  hLevelPi 1 λ z  α (x · (y · z)) ((x · y) · z)))
      λ _  isOfHLevelΣ 1 (hLevelPi 1 λ x  α (x · e) x)
      λ _                 hLevelPi 1 λ x  α (e · x) x

monoid-is-SNS' : SNS' { = } monoid-structure monoid-iso
monoid-is-SNS' = add-axioms-SNS' raw-monoid-structure raw-monoid-iso
                                 monoid-axioms monoid-axioms-are-Props raw-monoid-is-SNS'

MonoidPath : (M N : Monoids {})  (M ≃[ monoid-iso ] N)  (M  N)
MonoidPath M N = SIP monoid-structure monoid-iso (SNS''→SNS''' monoid-is-SNS') M N