{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}
module Algebra where

open import Prelude

module _ {a} {A : Type a} (_∙_ : A  A  A) where
  Associative : Type a
  Associative =  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)

  Commutative : Type _
  Commutative =  x y  x  y  y  x

  Idempotent : Type _
  Idempotent =  x  x  x  x

module _ {a b} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} where
  Identityˡ : (A  B  B)  A  Type _
  Identityˡ _∙_ x =  y  x  y  y

  Zeroˡ : (A  B  A)  A  Type _
  Zeroˡ _∙_ x =  y  x  y  x

  Zeroʳ : (A  B  B)  B  Type _
  Zeroʳ _∙_ x =  y  y  x  x

  Identityʳ : (A  B  A)  B  Type _
  Identityʳ _∙_ x =  y  y  x  y

  _Distributesʳ_ : (A  B  B)  (B  B  B)  Type _
  _⊗_ Distributesʳ _⊕_ =  x y z  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  (x  z)

  _Distributesˡ_ : (B  A  B)  (B  B  B)  Type _
  _⊗_ Distributesˡ _⊕_ =  x y z  (x  y)  z  (x  z)  (y  z)

record  Semigroup  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
  infixl 6 _∙_
    𝑆      : Type 
    _∙_    : 𝑆  𝑆  𝑆
    assoc  :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)

record  Monoid  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
  infixl 6 _∙_
    𝑆      : Type 
    _∙_    : 𝑆  𝑆  𝑆
    ε      : 𝑆
    assoc  :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)
    ε∙     :  x  ε  x  x
    ∙ε     :  x  x  ε  x

  semigroup : Semigroup 
  semigroup = record
    { 𝑆 = 𝑆; _∙_ = _∙_; assoc = assoc }

record MonoidHomomorphism_⟶_
         {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}
         (from : Monoid ℓ₁)
         (to : Monoid ℓ₂)
       : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
  open Monoid from
  open Monoid to
    renaming ( 𝑆 to 𝑅
             ; _∙_ to _⊙_
             ; ε to)
    f : 𝑆  𝑅
    ∙-homo :  x y  f (x  y)  f x  f y
    ε-homo : f ε  

record Group  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
    monoid : Monoid 
  open Monoid monoid public
    inv : 𝑆  𝑆
    ∙⁻ :  x  x  inv x  ε
    ⁻∙ :  x  inv x  x  ε

record CommutativeMonoid  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
    monoid : Monoid 
  open Monoid monoid public
    comm : Commutative _∙_

record Semilattice  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
    commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid 
  open CommutativeMonoid commutativeMonoid public
    idem : Idempotent _∙_

record NearSemiring  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
  infixl 6 _+_
  infixl 7 _*_
    𝑅 : Type 
    _+_ : 𝑅  𝑅  𝑅
    _*_ : 𝑅  𝑅  𝑅
    1# : 𝑅
    0# : 𝑅
    +-assoc : Associative _+_
    *-assoc : Associative _*_
    0+ : Identityˡ _+_ 0#
    +0 : Identityʳ _+_ 0#
    1* : Identityˡ _*_ 1#
    *1 : Identityʳ _*_ 1#
    0* : Zeroˡ _*_ 0#
    ⟨+⟩* : _*_ Distributesˡ _+_

record Semiring  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
    nearSemiring : NearSemiring 
  open NearSemiring nearSemiring public
    +-comm : Commutative _+_
    *0 : Zeroʳ _*_ 0#
    *⟨+⟩ : _*_ Distributesʳ _+_

record IdempotentSemiring  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
    semiring : Semiring 
  open Semiring semiring public
    +-idem : Idempotent _+_

record CommutativeSemiring  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
    semiring : Semiring 
  open Semiring semiring public
    *-comm : Commutative _*_

record LeftSemimodule ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
    semiring : Semiring ℓ₁
  open Semiring semiring public
    semimodule : CommutativeMonoid ℓ₂
  open CommutativeMonoid semimodule renaming (_∙_ to _∪_) public
    renaming (𝑆 to 𝑉
             ; assoc to ∪-assoc
             ; ε∙ to ∅∪
             ; ∙ε to ∪∅
             ; ε to)
  infixr 7 _⋊_
    _⋊_ : 𝑅  𝑉  𝑉
    ⟨*⟩⋊ :  x y z  (x * y)  z  x  (y  z)
    ⟨+⟩⋊ :  x y z  (x + y)  z  (x  z)  (y  z)
    ⋊⟨∪⟩ : _⋊_ Distributesʳ _∪_
    1⋊ : Identityˡ _⋊_ 1#
    0⋊ :  x  0#  x  

record StarSemiring  : Type (ℓsuc ) where
    semiring : Semiring 
  open Semiring semiring public
    _⋆ : 𝑅  𝑅
    star-iterʳ :  x  x   1# + x * x 
    star-iterˡ :  x  x   1# + x  * x
  _⁺ : 𝑅  𝑅
  x  = x * x 

record Functor ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
    𝐹   : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₂
    map : (A  B)  𝐹 A  𝐹 B
    map-id : map (id {ℓ₁} {A})  id
    map-comp : (f : B  C)  (g : A  B)  map (f  g)  map f  map g

record Applicative ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
    functor : Functor ℓ₁ ℓ₂
  open Functor functor public
  infixl 5 _<*>_
    pure : A  𝐹 A
    _<*>_ : 𝐹 (A  B)  𝐹 A  𝐹 B
    map-ap : (f : A  B)  map f  pure f <*>_
    pure-homo : (f : A  B)  (x : A)  map f (pure x)  pure (f x)
    <*>-interchange : (u : 𝐹 (A  B))  (y : A)  u <*> pure y  map (_$ y) u
    <*>-comp : (u : 𝐹 (B  C))  (v : 𝐹 (A  B))  (w : 𝐹 A)  pure _∘′_ <*> u <*> v <*> w  u <*> (v <*> w)

record Monad ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
    applicative : Applicative ℓ₁ ℓ₂
  open Applicative applicative public
  infixl 1 _>>=_
    _>>=_ : 𝐹 A  (A  𝐹 B)  𝐹 B
    >>=-idˡ : (f : A  𝐹 B)  (x : A)  (pure x >>= f)  f x
    >>=-idʳ : (x : 𝐹 A)  (x >>= pure)  x
    >>=-assoc : (xs : 𝐹 A) (f : A  𝐹 B) (g : B  𝐹 C)  ((xs >>= f) >>= g)  (xs >>=  x  f x >>= g))
  return : A  𝐹 A
  return = pure

record Alternative ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
    applicative : Applicative ℓ₁ ℓ₂
  open Applicative applicative public
    0# : 𝐹 A
    _<|>_ : 𝐹 A  𝐹 A  𝐹 A
    <|>-idˡ : (x : 𝐹 A)  0# <|> x  x
    <|>-idʳ : (x : 𝐹 A)  x <|> 0#  x
    0-annˡ : (x : 𝐹 A)  0# <*> x  0# {B}
    <|>-distrib : (x y : 𝐹 (A  B))  (z : 𝐹 A)  (x <|> y) <*> z  (x <*> z) <|> (y <*> z)

record MonadPlus ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
    monad : Monad ℓ₁ ℓ₂
  open Monad monad public
    0# : 𝐹 A
    _<|>_ : 𝐹 A  𝐹 A  𝐹 A
    <|>-idˡ : (x : 𝐹 A)  0# <|> x  x
    <|>-idʳ : (x : 𝐹 A)  x <|> 0#  x
    0-annˡ : (x : A  𝐹 B)  (0# >>= x)  0#
    <|>-distrib : (x y : 𝐹 A)  (z : A  𝐹 B)  ((x <|> y) >>= z)  (x >>= z) <|> (y >>= z)

Endo : Type a  Type a
Endo A = A  A

endoMonoid :  {a}  Type a  Monoid a
endoMonoid A .Monoid.𝑆 = Endo A
endoMonoid A .Monoid.ε x = x
endoMonoid A .Monoid._∙_ f g x = f (g x)
endoMonoid A .Monoid.assoc _ _ _ = refl
endoMonoid A .Monoid.ε∙ _ = refl
endoMonoid A .Monoid.∙ε _ = refl

record Foldable ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Type (ℓsuc (ℓ₁ ℓ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
    𝐹 : Type ℓ₁  Type ℓ₂
  open Monoid  ... 
    foldMap : {A : Type ℓ₁}  _ : Monoid ℓ₁   (A  𝑆)  𝐹 A  𝑆
  foldr : {A B : Type ℓ₁}  (A  B  B)  B  𝐹 A  B
  foldr f b xs = foldMap  endoMonoid _  f xs b