{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module DepthComonads.Path where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
  using ( _≡_
        ; sym
        ; refl
        ; subst
        ; transport
        ; Path
        ; PathP
        ; I
        ; i0
        ; i1
        ; funExt
        ; cong
        ; toPathP
        ; cong₂
        ; ~_
        ; _∧_
        ; _∨_
        ; hcomp
        ; transp
        ; J
  renaming (_∙_ to _;_; subst2 to subst₂)

open import DepthComonads.Empty using (¬_)
open import DepthComonads.Level

infix 4 _≢_
_≢_ : {A : Type a}  A  A  Type a
x  y = ¬ (x  y)

infix 4 PathP-syntax
PathP-syntax = PathP
{-# DISPLAY PathP-syntax = PathP #-}

syntax PathP-syntax  i  Ty) lhs rhs = lhs ≡[ i  Ty ]≡ rhs

import Agda.Builtin.Equality as MLTT

builtin-eq-to-path : {A : Type a} {x y : A}  x MLTT.≡ y  x  y
builtin-eq-to-path {x = x} MLTT.refl i = x

path-to-builtin-eq : {A : Type a} {x y : A}  x  y  x MLTT.≡ y
path-to-builtin-eq {x = x} x≡y = subst (x MLTT.≡_) x≡y MLTT.refl