Balancing Scans

Posted on December 21, 2018
Part 2 of a 3-part series on Balanced Folds
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Previously I tried to figure out a way to fold lists in a more balanced way. Usually, when folding lists, you’ve got two choices for your folds, both of which are extremely unbalanced in one direction or another. Jon Fairbairn wrote a more balanced version, which looked something like this:

treeFold :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
treeFold f = go
    go x [] = x
    go a (b:l) = go (f a b) (pairMap l)
    pairMap (x:y:rest) = f x y : pairMap rest
    pairMap xs = xs

Magical Speedups

The fold above is kind of magical: for a huge class of algorithms, it kind of “automatically” improves some factor of theirs from 𝒪(n)\mathcal{O}(n) to 𝒪(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n). For instance: to sum a list of floats, foldl' (+) 0 will have an error growth of 𝒪(n)\mathcal{O}(n); treeFold (+) 0, though, has an error rate of 𝒪(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n). Similarly, using the following function to merge two sorted lists:

merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge [] ys = ys
merge (x:xs) ys = go x xs ys
    go x xs [] = x : xs
    go x xs (y:ys)
      | x <= y    = x : go y ys xs
      | otherwise = y : go x xs ys

We get either insertion sort (𝒪(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2)) or merge sort (𝒪(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log n)) just depending on which fold you use.

foldr    merge [] . map pure -- n^2
treeFold merge [] . map pure -- n log(n)

I’ll give some more examples later, but effectively it gives us a better “divide” step in many divide and conquer algorithms.


As it was such a useful fold, and so integral to many tricky algorithms, I really wanted to have it available in Agda. Unfortunately, though, the functions (as defined above) aren’t structurally terminating, and there doesn’t look like there’s an obvious way to make it so. I tried to make well founded recursion work, but the proofs were ugly and slow.

However, we can use some structures from a previous post: the nested binary sequence, for instance. It has some extra nice properties: instead of nesting the types, we can just apply the combining function.

  data Tree {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
    2^_×_+_ : A  Node A  Tree A

  data Node {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
    ⟨⟩  : Node A
_: Tree A  Node A

module TreeFold {a} {A : Set a} (_*_ : A  A  A) where
  infixr 5 __ 2^_×__

  2^_×__ : A  Tree A  Tree A
  2^ n × x ⊛ 2^ suc m × y + ys = 2^ n × x + ⟨ 2^ m × y + ys ⟩
  2^ n × x ⊛ 2^ zero  × y + ⟨⟩ = 2^ suc n × (x * y) + ⟨⟩
  2^ n × x ⊛ 2^ zero  × y + ⟨ ys ⟩ = 2^ suc n × (x * y) ⊛ ys

  __ : A  Tree A  Tree A
  __ = 2^ 0 ×__

_⟧↓ : Tree A  A
  ⟦ 2^ _ × x + ⟨⟩ ⟧↓ = x
  ⟦ 2^ _ × x + ⟨ xs ⟩ ⟧↓ = x * ⟦ xs ⟧↓

_⟧↑ : A  Tree A
  ⟦ x ⟧↑ = 2^ 0 × x + ⟨⟩

_,_: A  List A  A
  ⦅ x , xs ⦆ = ⟦ foldr __ ⟦ x ⟧↑ xs ⟧↓

Alternatively, we can get 𝒪(1)\mathcal{O}(1) cons with the skew array:

infixr 5 __
__ : A  Tree A  Tree A
x ⊛ 2^ n × y  + ⟨⟩ = 2^ 0 × x + ⟨ 2^ n × y + ⟨⟩ ⟩
x ⊛ 2^ n × y₁ + ⟨ 2^ 0     × y₂ + ys ⟩ = 2^ suc n × (x * (y₁ * y₂)) + ys
x ⊛ 2^ n × y₁ + ⟨ 2^ suc m × y₂ + ys ⟩ = 2^ 0 × x + ⟨ 2^ n × y₁ + ⟨ 2^ m × y₂ + ys ⟩ ⟩

Using this, a proper and efficient merge sort is very straightforward:

data Total {a r} {A : Set a} (__ : A  A  Set r) (x y : A) : Set (a ⊔ r) where
  x≤y :_ : x ≤ y ⦄  Total __ x y
  y≤x :_ : y ≤ x ⦄  Total __ x y

module Sorting {a r}
               {A : Set a}
               {__ : A  A  Set r}
               (_≤?_ :  x y  Total __ x y) where
  data [∙] : Set a where
: [∙]
    [_] : A  [∙]

  data __ (x : A) : [∙]  Set (a ⊔ r) where
    instance_:  {y}  y ≤ x  x ≥ [ y ]
    instance ⌊⊥⌋ : x ≥ ⊥

  infixr 5 __
  data Ordered (b : [∙]) : Set (a ⊔ r) where
    []  : Ordered b
    __ :  x  ⦃ x≥b : x ≥ b ⦄  (xs : Ordered [ x ])  Ordered b

  __ :  {b}  Ordered b  Ordered b  Ordered b
  [] ∪ ys = ys
  (x ∷ xs) ∪ ys = ⟅ x ∹ xs ∪ ys ⟆
___:  {b}   x ⦃ _ : x ≥ b ⦄  Ordered [ x ]  Ordered b  Ordered b
___:  {b}  Ordered b   y ⦃ _ : y ≥ b ⦄  Ordered [ y ]  Ordered b
    merge :  {b} x y ⦃ _ : x ≥ b ⦄ ⦃ _ : y ≥ b ⦄
           Total __ x y
           Ordered [ x ]
           Ordered [ y ]
           Ordered b

    ⟅ x ∹ xs ∪ [] ⟆ = x ∷ xs
    ⟅ x ∹ xs ∪ y ∷ ys ⟆ = merge x y (x ≤? y) xs ys
    ⟅ [] ∪ y ∹ ys ⟆ = y ∷ ys
    ⟅ x ∷ xs ∪ y ∹ ys ⟆ = merge x y (x ≤? y) xs ys

    merge x y x≤y xs ys = x ∷ ⟅ xs ∪ y ∹ ys ⟆
    merge x y y≤x xs ys = y ∷ ⟅ x ∹ xs ∪ ys ⟆

  open TreeFold

  sort : List A  Ordered ⊥
  sort =__ , [] ⦆ ∘ map (_∷ [])


It would be nice if we could verify these optimizated versions of folds. Luckily, by writing them using foldr, we’ve stumbled into well-trodden ground: the foldr fusion law. It states that if you have some transformation ff, and two binary operators \oplus and \otimes, then:

f(xy)=xfyffoldre=foldr(fe)\begin{align} f (x \oplus y) &&=\;& x \otimes f y \\ \implies f \circ \text{foldr} \oplus e &&=\;& \text{foldr} \otimes (f e) \end{align}

This fits right in with the function we used above. ff is ⟦_⟧↓, \oplus is _⊛_, and \otimes is whatever combining function was passed in. Let’s prove the foldr fusion law, then, before we go any further.

module Proofs
  {a r}
  {A : Set a}
  {R : Rel A r}

  infix 4 __
  __ = R

  open import Algebra.FunctionProperties __

  foldr-universal : Transitive __
                    {b} {B : Set b} (h : List B  A) f e
                   ∀[ f ⊢ Congruent₁ ]
                   (h [] ≈ e)
                   (∀ x xs  h (x ∷ xs) ≈ f x (h xs))
                    xs  h xs ≈ foldr f e xs
  foldr-universal __ h f e f⟨_⟩ ⇒[] ⇒__ [] = ⇒[]
  foldr-universal __ h f e f⟨_⟩ ⇒[] ⇒__ (x ∷ xs) =
    (⇒ x ∷ xs) ○ f⟨ foldr-universal __ h f e f⟨_⟩ ⇒[] ⇒__ xs ⟩

  foldr-fusion : Transitive __
                Reflexive __
                 {b c} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} (f : C  A) {__ : B  C  C} {__ : B  A  A} e
                ∀[ __ ⊢ Congruent₁ ]
                (∀ x y  f (x ⊕ y) ≈ x ⊗ f y)
                 xs  f (foldr __ e xs) ≈ foldr __ (f e) xs
  foldr-fusion __ ∎ h {f} {g} e g⟨_⟩ fuse =
    foldr-universal __ (h ∘ foldr f e) g (h e) g⟨_⟩ ∎  x xs  fuse x (foldr f e xs))

We’re not using the proofs in Agda’s standard library because these are tied to propositional equality. In other words, instead of using an abstract binary relation, they prove things over actual equality. That’s all well and good, but as you can see above, we don’t need propositional equality: we don’t even need the relation to be an equivalence, we just need transitivity and reflexivity.

After that, we can state precisely what correspondence the tree fold has, and under what conditions it does the same things as a fold:

module _ {_*_ : A  A  A} where
  open TreeFold _*_

  treeFoldHom : Transitive __
               Reflexive __
               Associative _*_
               RightCongruent _*_
                x xs
               ⦅ x , xs ⦆ ≈ foldr _*_ x xs
  treeFoldHom __ ∎ assoc *⟨_⟩ b = foldr-fusion __ ∎ ⟦_⟧↓ ⟦ b ⟧↑ *⟨_(⊛-hom zero)
    ⊛-hom :  n x xs  ⟦ 2^ n × x ⊛ xs ⟧↓ ≈ x * ⟦ xs ⟧↓
    ⊛-hom n x (2^ suc m × y + ⟨⟩    ) =
    ⊛-hom n x (2^ suc m × y + ⟨ ys ⟩) =
    ⊛-hom n x (2^ zero  × y + ⟨⟩    ) =
    ⊛-hom n x (2^ zero  × y + ⟨ ys ⟩) = ⊛-hom (suc n) (x * y) ys ○ assoc x y ⟦ ys ⟧↓

“Implicit” Data Structures

Consider the following implementation of the tree above in Haskell:

type Tree a = [(Int,a)]

cons :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a
cons (*) = cons' 0 
    cons' n x [] = [(n,x)]
    cons' n x ((0,y):ys) = cons' (n+1) (x * y) ys
    cons' n x ((m,y):ys) = (n,x) : (m-1,y) : ys

The cons function “increments” that list as if it were the bits of a binary number. Now, consider using the merge function from above, in a pattern like this:

f = foldr (cons merge . pure) []

What does f build? A list of lists, right?

Kind of. That’s what’s built in terms of the observable, but what’s actually stored in memory us a bunch of thunks. The shape of those is what I’m interested in. We can try and see what they look like by using a data structure that doesn’t force on merge:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Tree a :*: Tree a

f = foldr (cons (:*:) . Leaf) []

Using a handy tree-drawing function, we can see what f [1..13] looks like:

    └1    │ ┌2  │  ┌6
          │┌┤   │ ┌┤
          ││└3  │ │└7
          └┤    │┌┤
           │┌4  │││┌8
           └┤   ││└┤
            └5  ││ └9
                 │ ┌10

It’s a binomial heap! It’s a list of trees, each one contains 2n2^n elements. But they’re not in heap order, you say? Well, as a matter of fact, they are. It just hasn’t been evaluated yet. Once we force—say—the first element, the rest will shuffle themselves into a tree of thunks.

This illustrates a pretty interesting similarity between binomial heaps and merge sort. Performance-wise, though, there’s another interesting property: the thunks stay thunked. In other words, if we do a merge sort via:

sort = foldr (merge . snd) [] . foldr (cons merge . pure) []

We could instead freeze the fold, and look at it at every point:

sortPrefixes = map (foldr (merge . snd) []) . scanl (flip (cons merge . pure)) []
>>> [[],[1],[1,4],[1,2,4],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4,5]]

And sortPrefixes is only 𝒪(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) (rather than 𝒪(n2logn)\mathcal{O}(n^2 \log n)). I confess I don’t know of a use for sorted prefixes, but it should illustrate the general idea: we get a pretty decent batching of operations, with the ability to freeze at any point in time. The other nice property (which I mentioned in the last post) is that any of the tree folds are extremely parallel.

Random Shuffles

There’s a great article on shuffling in Haskell which provides an 𝒪(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log n) implementation of a perfect random shuffle. Unfortunately, the Fisher-Yates shuffle isn’t applicable in a pure functional setting, so you have to be a little cleverer.

The first implementation most people jump to (certainly the one I thought of) is to assign everything in the sequence a random number, and then sort according to that number. Perhaps surprisingly, this isn’t perfectly random! It’s a little weird, but the example in the article explains it well: basically, for nn elements, your random numbers will have nnn^n possible values, but the output of the sort will have n!n! possible values. Since they don’t divide into each other evenly, you’re going to have some extra weight on some permutations, and less on others.

Instead, we can generate a random factoradic number. A factoradic number is one where the nnth digit is in base nn. Because of this, a factoradic number with nn digits has n!n! possible values: exactly what we want.

In the article, the digits of the number are used to pop values from a binary tree. Because the last digit will have nn possible values, and the second last n1n-1, and so on, you can keep popping without hitting an empty tree.

This has the correct time complexity—𝒪(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log n)—but there’s a lot of overhead. Building the tree, then indexing into it, the rebuilding after each pop, etc.

We’d like to just sort the list, according to the indices. The problem is that the indices are relative: if you want to cons something onto the list, you have to increment the rest of the indices, as they’ve all shifted right by one.

What we’ll do instead is use the indices as gaps. Our merge function looks like the following:

merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge ((x,i):xs) ((y,j):ys)
  | i <= j    = (x,i) : merge xs ((y,j-i):ys)
  | otherwise = (y,j) : merge ((x,i-j-1):xs) ys

With that, and the same cons as above, we get a very simple random shuffle algorithm:

shuffle xs = map fst
           . foldr (merge . snd) []
           . foldr f (const []) xs
    f x xs (i:is) = cons merge [(x,i)] (xs is)

The other interesting thing about this algorithm is that it can use Peano numbers with taking too much of a performance hit:

merge : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → List (A × ℕ) → List (A × ℕ) → List (A × ℕ)
merge xs [] = xs
merge {A = A} xs ((y , j) ∷ ys) = go-r xs y j ys
  go-l : A → ℕ → List (A × ℕ) → List (A × ℕ) → List (A × ℕ)
  go-r : List (A × ℕ) → A → ℕ → List (A × ℕ) → List (A × ℕ)
  go : ℕ → ℕ → A → ℕ → List (A × ℕ) → A → ℕ → List (A × ℕ) → List (A × ℕ)

  go i     zero   x i′ xs y j′ ys = (y , j′) ∷ go-l x i xs ys
  go zero (suc j) x i′ xs y j′ ys = (x , i′) ∷ go-r xs y j ys
  go (suc i) (suc j) = go i j

  go-l x i xs [] = (x , i) ∷ xs
  go-l x i xs ((y , j) ∷ ys) = go i j x i xs y j ys

  go-r [] y j ys = (y , j) ∷ ys
  go-r ((x , i) ∷ xs) y j ys = go i j x i xs y j ys

shuffle : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → List AList ℕ → List A
shuffle {a} {A} xs i = map proj₁ (⦅ [] , zip-inds xs i ⦆)
  open TreeFold {a} {List (A × ℕ)} merge

  zip-inds : List AList ℕ → List (List (A × ℕ))
  zip-inds [] inds = []
  zip-inds (x ∷ xs) [] = ((x , 0) ∷ []) ∷ zip-inds xs []
  zip-inds (x ∷ xs) (i ∷ inds) = ((x , i) ∷ []) ∷ zip-inds xs inds

I don’t know exactly what the complexity of this is, but I think it should be better than the usual approach of popping from a vector.

Future Stuff

This is just a collection of random thoughts for now, but I intend to work on using these folds to see if there are any other algorithms they can be useful for. In particular, I think I can write a version of Data.List.permutations which benefits from sharing. And I’m interested in using the implicit binomial heap for some search problems.