A Very Simple Prime Sieve in Haskell

Posted on November 10, 2018
Part 1 of a 2-part series on Prime Sieves

A few days ago, the Computerphile YouTube channel put up a video about infinite lists in Haskell (Haran 2018). It’s pretty basic, but finishes up with a definition of an infinite list of prime numbers. The definition was something like this:

primes = sieve [2..]

sieve (p:ps) = p : sieve [ x | x <- ps, mod x p /= 0 ]

This really demonstrates the elegance of list comprehensions coupled with lazy evaluation. If we’re being totally pedantic, however, this isn’t a genuine sieve of Eratosthenes. And this makes sense: the “true” sieve of Eratosthenes (O’Neill 2009) is probably too complex to demonstrate in a video meant to be an introduction to Haskell. This isn’t because Haskell is bad at this particular problem, mind you: it’s because a lazy, infinite sieve is something very hard to implement indeed.

Anyway, I’m going to try today to show a very simple prime sieve that (hopefully) rivals the simplicity of the definition above.

A First Attempt

Visualizations of the sieve of Eratosthenes often rely on metaphors of “crossing out” on some large table. Once you hit a prime, you cross off all of its multiples in the rest of the table, and then you move to the next crossed-off number.

Sieve of Eratosthenes Animation. By Ricordisamoa, CC BY-SA 3.0, from Wikimedia Commons

Working with a finite array, it should be easy to see that this is extremely efficient. You’re crossing off every non-prime exactly once, only using addition and squaring.

To extend it to infinite lists, we will use the following function:

[] \\ ys = []
xs \\ [] = xs
(x:xs) \\ (y:ys) = case compare x y of
    LT -> x : xs \\ (y:ys)
    EQ -> xs \\ ys
    GT -> (x:xs) \\ ys

We’re “subtracting” the right list from the left. Crucially, it works with infinite lists:

>>> take 10 ([1..] \\ [2,4..])

Finally, it only works if both lists are ordered and don’t contain duplicates, but our sieve does indeed satisfy that requirement. Using this, we’ve already got a sieve:

sieve (p:ps) = p : sieve (ps \\ [p*p, p*p+p..])
primes = 2 : sieve [3,5..]

No division, just addition and squaring, as promised. Unfortunately, though, this doesn’t have the time complexity we want. See, in the (\\) operation, we have to test every entry in the sieve against the prime factor: when we’re crossing off from an array, we just jump to the next composite number.

Using a Queue

The way we speed up the “crossing-off” section of the algorithms is by using a priority queue: this was the optimization provided in O’Neill (2009). Before we go any further, then, let’s put one together:

infixr 5 :-
data Queue a b = Queue
    { minKey :: !a
    , minVal :: b
    , rest   :: List a b

data List a b
    = Nil
    | (:-) {-# UNPACK #-} !(Queue a b)
           (List a b)

(<+>) :: Ord a => Queue a b -> Queue a b -> Queue a b
(<+>) q1@(Queue x1 y1 ts1) q2@(Queue x2 y2 ts2)
  | x1 <= x2 = Queue x1 y1 (q2 :- ts1)
  | otherwise = Queue x2 y2 (q1 :- ts2)

mergeQs :: Ord a => List a b -> Queue a b
mergeQs (t :- ts) = mergeQs1 t ts
mergeQs Nil       = errorWithoutStackTrace "tried to merge empty list"

mergeQs1 :: Ord a => Queue a b -> List a b -> Queue a b
mergeQs1 t1 Nil              = t1
mergeQs1 t1 (t2 :- Nil)      = t1 <+> t2
mergeQs1 t1 (t2 :- t3 :- ts) = (t1 <+> t2) <+> mergeQs1 t3 ts

insert :: Ord a => a -> b -> Queue a b -> Queue a b
insert !k !v = (<+>) (singleton k v)

singleton :: a -> b -> Queue a b
singleton !k !v = Queue k v Nil

These are pairing heaps: I’m using them here because they’re relatively simple and very fast. A lot of their speed comes from the fact that the top-level constructor (Queue) is non-empty. Since, in this algorithm, we’re only actually going to be working with non-empty queues, this saves us a pattern match on pretty much every function. They’re also what’s used in Data.Sequence for sorting.

With that, we can write our proper sieve:

insertPrime x xs = insert (x*x) (map (*x) xs)

adjust x q@(Queue y (z:zs) qs)
  | y <= x = adjust x (insert z zs (mergeQs qs))
  | otherwise = q

sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve' xs (singleton (x*x) (map (*x) xs))
    sieve' (x:xs) table
      | minKey table <= x = sieve' xs (adjust x table)
      | otherwise = x : sieve' xs (insertPrime x xs table)
primes = 2 : sieve [3,5..]


The priority queue stores lists alongside their keys: what you might notice is that those lists are simply sequences of the type [x,2x,3x,4x...][x, 2x, 3x, 4x...] and so on. Rather than storing the whole list, we can instead store just the head and the step. This also simplifies (and greatly speeds up) the expensive map (*x) operation to just two multiplications. If you wanted, you could just sub in this representation of streams for all the lists above:

data Stepper a = Stepper { start :: a, step :: a }

nextStep :: Num a => Stepper a -> (a, Stepper a)
nextStep (Stepper x y) = (x, Stepper (x+y) y)

pattern x :- xs <- (nextStep -> (x,xs))

(^*) :: Num a => Stepper a -> a -> Stepper a
Stepper x y ^* f = Stepper (x * f) (y * f)

If you were so inclined, you could even make it conform to Foldable:

data Stepper a where
    Stepper :: Num a => a -> a -> Stepper a

nextStep (Stepper x y) = (x, Stepper (x+y) y)

pattern x :- xs <- (nextStep -> (x,xs))

instance Foldable Stepper where
    foldr f b (x :- xs) = f x (foldr f b xs)

But that’s overkill for what we need here.

Second observation is that if we remove the wheel (from 2), the “start” is simply the key in the priority queue, again cutting down on space.

Finally, we get the implementation:

primes = 2 : sieve 3 (singleton 4 2)
    adjust !x q@(Queue y z qs)
        | x < y = q
        | otherwise = adjust x (mergeQs1 (singleton (y + z) z) qs)
    sieve !x q
        | x < minKey q = x : sieve (x + 1) (insert (x * x) x q)
        | otherwise = sieve (x + 1) (adjust x q)

8 lines for a lazy prime sieve isn’t bad!

I haven’t tried a huge amount to optimize the function, but it might be worth looking in to how to add back the wheels. I noticed that for no wheels, the queue contains only two elements per key; for one (the 2 wheel), we needed 3. I wonder if this pattern continues: possibly we could represent wheels as finite lists at each key in the queue. Maybe in a later post.

Haran, Brady. 2018. “To Infinity & Beyond - Computerphile.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnRNiE_OVWA&feature=youtu.be.
O’Neill, Melissa E. 2009. “The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes.” Journal of Functional Programming 19 (01) (January): 95. doi:10.1017/S0956796808007004.