Type-Level Induction in Haskell

Posted on May 5, 2018
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One of the most basic tools for use in type-level programming is the Peano definition of the natural numbers:

    = Z
    | S

Using the new TypeFamilyDependencies extension, these numbers can be used to describe the “size” of some type. I’m going to use the proportion symbol here:

type family (t ∷ k) ∝ (n ∷ ℕ) = (a ∷ Type) | a → t n k

Using this type family we can describe induction on the natural numbers:

class Finite n where
    induction ∷ t ∝ Z → (∀ k. t ∝ k → t ∝ S k) → t ∝ n

instance Finite Z where
    induction z _ = z
    {-# inline induction #-}

instance Finite n ⇒ Finite (S n) where
    induction z s = s (induction z s)
    {-# inline induction #-}

The induction function reads as the standard mathematical definition of induction: given a proof (value) of the zero case, and a proof that any proof is true for its successor, we can give you a proof of the case for any finite number.

An added bonus here is that the size of something can usually be resolved at compile-time, so any inductive function on it should also be resolved at compile time.

We can use it to provide the standard instances for basic length-indexed lists:

infixr 5 :-
data List n a where
        NilList Z a
        (:-) ∷ a → List n a → List (S n) a

Some instances for those lists are easy:

instance Functor (List n) where
    fmap _ Nil = Nil
    fmap f (x :- xs) = f x :- fmap f xs

However, for Applicative, we need some way to recurse on the size of the list. This is where induction comes in.

type instance '(List,a) ∝ n = List n a

This lets us write pure in a pleasingly simple way:

instance Finite n ⇒
         Applicative (List n) where
    pure x = induction Nil (x :-)

But can we also write <*> using induction? Yes! Because we’ve factored out the induction itself, we just need to describe the notion of a “sized” function:

data a ↦ b
type instance ((x ∷ a) ↦ (y ∷ b)) ∝ n = (x ∝ n) → (y ∝ n)

Then we can write <*> as so:

instance Finite n ⇒
         Applicative (List n) where
    pure x = induction Nil (x :-)
    (<*>) =
            (\Nil NilNil)
            (\k (f :- fs) (x :- xs) → f x :- k fs xs)

What about the Monad instance? For that, we need a little bit of plumbing: the type signature of >>= is:

(>>=) ∷ m a → (a → m b) → m b

One of the parameters (the second a) doesn’t have a size: we’ll need to work around that, with Const:

type instance (Const a ∷ ℕ → Type) ∝ n = Const a n

Using this, we can write our Monad instance:

head' ∷ List (S n) a → a
head' (x :- _) = x

tail' ∷ List (S n) a → List n a
tail' (_ :- xs) = xs

instance Finite n ⇒
         Monad (List n) where
    xs >>= (f ∷ a → List n b) =
            (\Nil _ → Nil)
            (\k (y :- ys) fn → head' (fn (Const y)) :-
                               k ys (tail' . fn . Const . getConst))
            (f . getConst ∷ Const a n → List n b)

Type Family Dependencies

Getting the above to work actually took a surprising amount of work: the crux is that the type family needs to be injective, so the “successor” proof can typecheck. Unfortunately, this means that every type can only have one notion of “size”. What I’d prefer is to be able to pass in a function indicating exactly how to get the size out of a type, that could change depending on the situation. So we could recurse on the first argument of a function, for instance, or just its second, or just the result. This would need either type-level lambdas (which would be cool), or generalized type family dependencies.