
Posted on March 20, 2018
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There’s a popular UK TV show called Countdown with a round where contestants have to get as close to some target number as possible by constructing an arithmetic expression from six random numbers.

You don’t have to use all of the numbers, and you’re allowed use four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additionally, each stage of the calculation must result in a positive integer.

Here’s an example. Try get to the target 586:


On the show, contestants get 30 seconds to think of an answer.

Solution 25*3+10+100*5+125 * 3 + 10 + 100 * 5 + 1

Solving it in Haskell was first explored in depth in Hutton (2002). There, a basic “generate-and-test” implementation was provided and proven correct.

As an optimization problem, there are several factors which will influence the choice of algorithm:

  1. There’s no obvious heuristic for constructing subexpressions in order to get to a final result. In other words, if we have 25*3+1025 * 3 + 10 and 25*3*1025 * 3 * 10, there’s no easy way to tell which is “closer” to 586586. The latter is closer numerically, but the former is what we ended up using in the solution.
  2. Because certain subexpressions aren’t allowed, we’ll be able to prune the search space as we go.
  3. Ideally, we’d only want to calculate each possible subexpression once, making it a pretty standard dynamic programming problem.

I’ll be focusing on the third point in this post, but we can add the second point in at the end. First, however, let’s write a naive implementation.

Generating all Expressions

I can’t think of a simpler way to solve the problem than generate-and-test, so we’ll work from there. Testing is easy ((target ==) . eval), so we’ll focus on generation. The core function we’ll use for this is usually called “unmerges”:

unmerges [x,y] = [([x],[y])]
unmerges (x:xs) =
    ([x],xs) :
        [ [(x:ys,zs),(ys,x:zs)]
        | (ys,zs) <- unmerges xs ]
unmerges _ = []

It generates all possible 2-partitions of a list, ignoring order:

>>> unmerges "abc"

I haven’t looked much into how to optimize this function or make it nicer, as we’ll be swapping it out later.

Next, we need to make the recursive calls:

allExprs :: (a -> a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]
allExprs _ [x] = [x]
allExprs c xs =
    [ e
    | (ys,zs) <- unmerges xs
    , y <- allExprs c ys
    , z <- allExprs c zs
    , e <- c y z ]

Finally, using the simple-reflect library, we can take a look at the output:

>>> allExprs (\x y -> [x+y,x*y]) [1,2] :: [Expr]
[1 + 2,1 * 2]
>>> allExprs (\x y -> [x+y]) [1,2,3] :: [Expr]
[1 + (2 + 3),1 + 2 + 3,2 + (1 + 3)]

Even at this early stage, we can actually already write a rudimentary solution:

countdown :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [Expr]
countdown xs targ =
        ((==) targ . toInteger)
             (\x y -> [x,y,x+y,x*y])
             (map fromInteger xs))

>>> mapM_ print (countdown [100,25,1,5,3,10] 586)
1 + (100 * 5 + (25 * 3 + 10))
1 + (100 * 5 + 25 * 3 + 10)
1 + (25 * 3 + (100 * 5 + 10))
1 + 100 * 5 + (25 * 3 + 10)
100 * 5 + (1 + (25 * 3 + 10))
100 * 5 + (1 + 25 * 3 + 10)
100 * 5 + (25 * 3 + (1 + 10))
1 + (100 * 5 + 25 * 3) + 10
1 + 100 * 5 + 25 * 3 + 10
100 * 5 + (1 + 25 * 3) + 10
100 * 5 + 25 * 3 + (1 + 10)
1 + 25 * 3 + (100 * 5 + 10)
25 * 3 + (1 + (100 * 5 + 10))
25 * 3 + (1 + 100 * 5 + 10)
25 * 3 + (100 * 5 + (1 + 10))

As you can see from the output, there’s a lot of repetition. We’ll need to do some memoization to speed it up.

Pure Memoization

The normal way most programmers think about “memoization” is something like this:

memo_dict = {0:0,1:1}

def fib(n):
    if n in memo_dict:
        return memo_dict[n]
        res = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
        memo_dict[n] = res
        return res

In other words, it’s a fundamentally stateful process. We need to mutate some mapping when we haven’t seen the argument before.

Using laziness, though, we can emulate the same behavior purely. Instead of mutating the mapping on function calls, we fill the whole thing at the beginning, and then index into it. As long as the mapping is lazy, it’ll only evaluate the function calls when they’re needed. We could use lists as our mapping to the natural numbers:

fibs = 0 : 1 : map fib [2..]
fib n = fibs !! (n-1) + fibs !! (n-2)

The benefit here is that we avoid the extra work of redundant calls. However, we pay for the speedup in three ways:

  1. Space: we need to take up memory space storing the cached solutions.
  2. Indexing: while we no longer have to pay for the expensive recursive calls, we do now have to pay for indexing into the data structure. In this example, we’re paying linear time to index into the list.
  3. Generality: the memoization is tied directly to the argument type to the function. We need to be able to use the argument to our memoized function as an index into some data structure. While a lot of argument types admit some type of indexing (whether they’re Hashable, Ord, etc.), some don’t, and we can’t memoize those using this technique.

We’re going to look at a technique that allow us to somewhat mitigate 2 and 3 above, using something called a nexus.


The standard technique of memoization is focused on the arguments to the function, creating a concrete representation of them in memory to map to the results. Using nexuses, as described in Bird and Hinze (2003), we’ll instead focus on the function itself, creating a concrete representation of its call graph in memory. Here’s the call graph of Fibonacci:

                                   │        └fib(0)=0
                          │        └fib(1)=1
                 │        │        ┌fib(1)=1
                 │        └fib(2)=1
                 │                 └fib(0)=0
        │        │                 ┌fib(1)=1
        │        │        ┌fib(2)=1
        │        │        │        └fib(0)=0
        │        └fib(3)=2
        │                 └fib(1)=1
        │                          ┌fib(1)=1
        │                 ┌fib(2)=1
        │                 │        └fib(0)=0
        │        ┌fib(3)=2
        │        │        └fib(1)=1
                 │        ┌fib(1)=1

Turning that into a concrete datatype wouldn’t do us much good: it still has the massively redundant computations in it. However, we can recognize that entire subtrees are duplicates of each other: in those cases, instead of creating both subtrees, we could just create one and have each parent point to it1:

fib(6)=8┤        │        │        │        │

This is a nexus. In Haskell, it’s not observably different from the other form, except that it takes up significantly less space. It’s also much quicker to construct.

If we use it to memoize fib, we’ll no longer be indexing on the argument: we’ll instead follow the relevant branch in the tree to the subcomputation, which is just chasing a pointer. It also means the argument doesn’t have to be constrained to any specific type. Here’s how you’d do it:

data Tree
    = Leaf
    | Node
    { val   :: Integer
    , left  :: Tree
    , right :: Tree}

fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib = val . go
    go 0 = Node 0 Leaf Leaf
    go 1 = Node 1 (Node 0 Leaf Leaf) Leaf
    go n = node t (left t) where t = go (n-1)
    node l r = Node (val l + val r) l r

So this approach sounds amazing, right? No constraints on the argument type, no need to pay for indexing: why doesn’t everyone use it everywhere? The main reason is that figuring out a nexus for the call-graph is hard. In fact, finding an optimal one is NP-hard in general (Steffen and Giegerich 2006).

The second problem is that it’s difficult to abstract out. The standard technique of memoization relies on building a mapping from keys to values: about as bread-and-butter as it gets in programming. Even more, we already know how to say “values of this type can be used efficiently as keys in some mapping”: for Data.Map it’s Ord, for Data.HashMap it’s Hashable. All of this together means we can build a nice library for memoization which exports the two following functions:

memoHash :: Hashable a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
memoOrd :: Ord a => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)

Building a nexus, however, is not bread-and-butter. On top of that, it’s difficult to say something like “recursive functions of this structure can be constructed using a nexus”. What’s the typeclass for that? In comparison to the signatures above, the constraint will need to be on the arrows, not the a. Even talking about the structure of recursive functions is regarded as somewhat of an advanced subject: that said, the recursion-schemes package allows us to do so, and even has facilities for constructing something like nexuses with histomorphisms (Tobin 2016). I’m still looking to see if there’s a library out there that does manage to abstract nexuses in an ergonomic way, so I’d love to hear if there was one (or if there’s some more generalized form which accomplishes the same).

Memoizing Countdown

That’s enough preamble. The nexus we want to construct for countdown is not going to memoize as much as possible: in particular, we’re only going to memoize the shape of the trees, not the operators used. This will massively reduce the memory overhead, and still give a decent speedup (Bird and Mu 2005, 11 “building a skeleton tree first”).

With that in mind, the ideal nexus looks something like this:

We can represent the tree in Haskell as a rose tree:

data Tree a
    = Node
    { root   :: a
    , forest :: Forest a

type Forest a = [Tree a]

Constructing the nexus itself isn’t actually the most interesting part of this solution: consuming it is. We need to be able to go from the structure above into a list that’s the equivalent of unmerges. Doing a breadth-first traversal of the diagram above (without the top element) will give us:

abc,abd,acd,bcd,ab,ac,bc,ad,bd,cd,a,b,c,dabc, abd, acd, bcd, ab, ac, bc, ad, bd, cd, a, b, c, d

If you split that list in half, and zip it with its reverse, you’ll get the output of unmerges.

However, the breadth-first traversal of the diagram isn’t the same thing as the breadth-first traversal of the rose tree. The latter will traverse abc,abd,acd,bcdabc, abd, acd, bcd, and then the children of abcabc (ab,ac,bcab,ac,bc), and then the children of abdabd (ab,ad,bdab,ad,bd): and here’s our problem. We traverse abab twice, because we can’t know that abcabc and abdabd are pointing to the same value. What we have to do is first prune the tree, removing duplicates, and then perform a breadth-first traversal on that.


Luckily, the duplicates follow a pattern, allowing us to remove them without having to do any equality checking. In each row, the first node has no duplicates in its children, the second’s first child is a duplicate, the third’s first and second children are duplicates, and so on. You should be able to see this in the diagram above. Adapting a little from the paper, we get an algorithm like this:

para :: (a -> [a] -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
para f b = go
    go [] = b
    go (x:xs) = f x xs (go xs)

prune :: Forest a -> Forest a
prune ts = pruneAt ts 0 
    pruneAt = para f (const [])
    f (Node x []) t _ _ = Node x [] : t
    f (Node x us) _ a k =
        Node x (pruneAt (drop k us) k) : a (k + 1)

Breadth-First Traversal

I went through this in a previous post, so this is the end solution:

breadthFirst :: Forest a -> [a]
breadthFirst ts = foldr f b ts []
    f (Node x xs) fw bw = x : fw (xs:bw)

    b [] = []
    b q = foldl (foldr f) b q []

With the appropriate incantations, this is actually the fastest implementation I’ve found.


We can actually inline both of the above functions, fusing them together:

spanNexus :: Forest a -> [a]
spanNexus ts = foldr f (const b) ts 0 []
    f (Node x us) fw k bw = x : fw (k+1) ((drop k us, k) : bw)

    b [] = []
    b qs = foldl (uncurry . foldr f . const) b qs []

Halving, Convolving, and Folding

So, now we can go from the tree to our list of splits. Next step is to convert that list into the output of unmerges, by zipping the reverse of the first half with the second. We can use an algorithm described in Danvy and Goldberg (2005) to do the zipping and reversing:

fold xs n = go xs n (const [])
    go xs 0     k = k xs
    go (x:xs) n k = go xs (n-2) (\(y:ys) -> (x,y) : k ys)

And we can inline the function which collapses those results into one:

fold xs n = go xs n (const [])
    go 0 xss k = k xss
    go n (xs:xss) k =
        go (n-2) xss (\(ys:yss) -> [ z
                                      | x <- xs
                                      , y <- ys
                                      , z <- cmb x y
                                      ] ++ k yss)

And that’s all we need!

Full Code
import qualified Data.Tree as Rose

data Tree a
    = Leaf Int a
    | Node [Tree a]
    deriving (Show,Eq,Functor)
enumerateTrees :: (a -> a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]
enumerateTrees _ [] = []
enumerateTrees cmb xs = (extract . steps . initial) xs
    step = map nodes . group

    steps [x] = x
    steps xs = steps (step xs)

    initial = map (Leaf 1 . flip Rose.Node [] . pure)

    extract (Leaf _ x) = Rose.rootLabel x
    extract (Node [x]) = extract x

    group [_] = []
    group (Leaf _ x:vs) = Node [Leaf 2 [x, y] | Leaf _ y <- vs] : group vs
    group (Node   u:vs) = Node (zipWith comb (group u) vs) : group vs

    comb (Leaf n xs) (Leaf _ x) = Leaf (n + 1) (xs ++ [x])
    comb (Node us) (Node vs) = Node (zipWith comb us vs)

    forest ts = foldr f (const b) ts 0 []
        f (Rose.Node x []) fw !k bw = x : fw (k + 1) bw
        f (Rose.Node x us) fw !k bw = x : fw (k + 1) ((drop k us, k) : bw)

        b [] = []
        b qs = foldl (uncurry . foldr f . const) b qs []

    nodes (Leaf n x) = Leaf 1 (node n x)
    nodes (Node xs) = Node (map nodes xs)

    node n ts = Rose.Node (walk (2 ^ n - 2) (forest ts) (const [])) ts
        walk 0 xss k = k xss
        walk n (xs:xss) k =
            walk (n-2) xss (\(ys:yss) -> [ z
                                         | x <- xs
                                         , y <- ys
                                         , z <- cmb x y
                                         ] ++ k yss)

Using it for Countdown

The first thing to do for the Countdown solution is to figure out a representation for expressions. The one from simple-reflect is perfect for displaying the result, but we should memoize its calculation.

data Memoed
  = Memoed
  { expr   :: Expr
  , result :: Int

Then, some helpers for building:

data Op = Add | Dif | Mul | Div

binOp f g x y = Memoed ((f `on` expr) x y) ((g `on` result) x y)

apply :: Op -> Memoed -> Memoed -> Memoed
apply Add x y = binOp (+) (+) x y
apply Dif x y
  | result y < result x = binOp (-) (-) x y
  | otherwise = binOp (-) (-) y x
apply Mul x y = binOp (*) (*) x y
apply Div x y = binOp div div x y

Finally, the full algorithm:

enumerateExprs :: [Int] -> [Memoed]
enumerateExprs = enumerateTrees cmb . map (\x -> Memoed (fromIntegral x) x)
    cmb x y =
        nubs $
        x :
        y :
        [ apply op x y
        | op <- [Add, Dif, Mul, Div]
        , legal op (result x) (result y) ]
    legal Add _ _ = True
    legal Dif x y = x /= y
    legal Mul _ _ = True
    legal Div x y = x `mod` y == 0
    nubs xs = foldr f (const []) xs IntSet.empty
        f e a s
          | IntSet.member (result e) s = a s
          | otherwise = e : a (IntSet.insert (result e) s)

countdown :: Int -> [Int] -> [Expr]
countdown targ = map expr . filter ((==) targ . result) . enumerateExprs

>>> (mapM_ print . reduction . head) (countdown 586 [100,25,1,5,3,10])
25 * 3 + 1 + (100 * 5 + 10)
75 + 1 + (100 * 5 + 10)
76 + (100 * 5 + 10)
76 + (500 + 10)
76 + 510

There are some optimizations going on here, taken mainly from Bird and Mu (2005):

  1. We filter out illegal operations, as described originally.
  2. We filter out any expressions that have the same value.

Testing the Implementation

So we’ve followed the paper, written the code: time to test. The specification of the function is relatively simple: calculate all applications of the commutative operator to some input, without recalculating subtrees.

We’ll need a free structure for the “commutative operator”:

data Tree a
    = Leaf a
    | Tree a :^: Tree a
    deriving (Foldable,Eq,Ord,Show)

Here’s the problem: it’s not commutative! We can remedy it by only exporting a constructor that creates the tree in a commutative way, and we can make it a pattern synonym so it looks normal:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Commutative
  ,pattern (:*:))

data Tree a
    = Leaf a
    | Tree a :^: Tree a
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Foldable)

pattern (:*:) :: Ord a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
pattern xs :*: ys <- xs :^: ys where
  xs :*: ys
      | xs <= ys = xs :^: ys
      | otherwise = ys :^: xs

{-# COMPLETE Leaf, (:*:) #-}

Now we need to check if all applications are actually tested. First, to generate all trees:

allTrees :: Ord a => [a] -> Set (Tree a)
allTrees [x] = Set.singleton (Leaf x)
allTrees xs = Set.unions (map (uncurry f) (unmerges xs))
    f ls rs = Set.fromList ((liftA2 (:*:) `on` (Set.toList . allTrees)) ls rs)

allSubTrees :: Ord a => [a] -> Set (Tree a)
allSubTrees [x] = Set.singleton (Leaf x)
allSubTrees xs =
    Set.unions (map (uncurry f . (allSubTrees *** allSubTrees)) (unmerges xs))
    f ls rs =
            [ls, rs, Set.fromList ((liftA2 (:*:) `on` Set.toList) ls rs)]

Then, to test:

prop_exhaustiveSearch :: Natural -> Bool
prop_exhaustiveSearch n =
         let src = [0 .. fromIntegral n]
             expect = allSubTrees src
             actual =
                          (\xs ys ->
                                [xs, ys, xs :*: ys])
                          (map Leaf src))
         in expect == actual

prop_exhaustiveSearchFull :: Natural -> Bool
prop_exhaustiveSearchFull n =
         let src = [0 .. fromIntegral n]
             expect = Map.fromSet (const 1) (allTrees src)
             actual =
                          (\xs ys -> [xs :*: ys])
                          (map Leaf src))
         in expect == actual

Testing for repeated calls is more tricky. Remember, the memoization is supposed to be unobservable: in order to see it, we’re going to have to use some unsafe operations.

    :: ((Tree Int -> Tree Int -> [Tree Int]) -> [Tree Int] -> [Tree Int])
    -> [Int]
    -> (Map (Tree Int) Int, [Tree Int])
traceSubsequences enm ints =
    runST $
    do ref <- newSTRef Map.empty
       let res = enm (combine ref) (map (conv ref) ints)
       traverse_ (foldr seq (pure ())) res
       intm <- readSTRef ref
       pure (intm, res)
    combine ref xs ys = unsafeRunST ([xs :*: ys] <$ modifySTRef' ref (incr (xs :*: ys)))
    {-# NOINLINE combine #-}
    conv ref x = unsafeRunST (Leaf x <$ modifySTRef' ref (incr (Leaf x)))
    {-# NOINLINE conv #-}
    unsafeRunST cmp = unsafePerformIO (unsafeSTToIO cmp)

prop_noRepeatedCalls :: Property
prop_noRepeatedCalls =
    property $ sized $
    \n ->
         pure $
         let src = [0 .. n]
             (tint,tres) = fmap freqs (traceSubsequences enumerateTrees src)
             (fint,fres) = fmap freqs (traceSubsequences dummyEnumerate src)
         in counterexample
                (mapCompare (freqs (allSubTrees src)) tint)
                (all (1 ==) tint) .&&.
            counterexample (mapCompare tres fres) (tres == fres) .&&.
            (n > 2 ==> tint /= fint)

Here, dummyEnumerate is some method which performs the same task, but doesn’t construct a nexus, so we can ensure that our tests really do catch faulty implementations.

Bird, Richard, and Ralf Hinze. 2003. “Functional Pearl Trouble Shared is Trouble Halved.” In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell, 1–6. Haskell ’03. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/871895.871896.
Bird, Richard, and Shin-Cheng Mu. 2005. “Countdown: A case study in origami programming.” Journal of Functional Programming 15 (05) (August): 679. doi:10.1017/S0956796805005642.
Danvy, Olivier, and Mayer Goldberg. 2005. “There and Back Again.” BRICS Report Series 12 (3). doi:10.7146/brics.v12i3.21869.
Hutton, Graham. 2002. “The Countdown Problem.” J. Funct. Program. 12 (6) (November): 609–616. doi:10.1017/S0956796801004300.
Steffen, Peter, and Robert Giegerich. 2006. “Table Design in Dynamic Programming.” Information and Computation 204 (9) (September): 1325–1345. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2006.02.006.
Tobin, Jared. 2016. “Time Traveling Recursion Schemes.”

  1. If you think that structure looks more like a funny linked list than a tree, that’s because it is. Instead of talking about “left” and “right” branches, we could talk about the first and second elements in a list: in fact, this is exactly what’s happening in the famous zipWith Fibonacci implementation (in reverse).

    fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

    Or, in my favourite version:

    fib n = fix ((:) 0 . scanl (+) 1) !! n