Probability Trees
Previously, I tried to figure out how to make the probability monad more “listy”. I read a little more about the topic (especially Erwig and Kollmansberger 2006; and Kidd 2007).
I then thought about what a probability monad would look like if it was based on other data structures. I feel like the standard version really wants to be:
newtype ProperProb a = ProperProb
yes :: Map a (Product Rational) } {
But of course a monad instance isn’t allowed.
Similar to a map, though, is a binary tree:
data BinaryTree a = Leaf
| Node (BinaryTree a) a (BinaryTree a)
And it feels better for probability - flatter, somehow. Transmuting it into a probability-thing:
data Odds a = Certain a
| Choice (Odds a) Rational (Odds a)
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Show)
That looks good to me. A choice between two different branches feels more natural than a choice between a head and a tail.
The fold is similar to before, with an unfold for good measure:
foldOdds :: (b -> Rational -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Odds a -> b
= r where
foldOdds f b Certain x) = b x
r (Choice xs p ys) = f (r xs) p (r ys)
r (
unfoldOdds :: (b -> Either a (b,Rational,b)) -> b -> Odds a
= r where
unfoldOdds f = case f b of
r b Left a -> Certain a
Right (x,p,y) -> Choice (r x) p (r y)
fi :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
True t _ = t
fi False _ f = f fi
I changed the pattern synonym a little:
unRatio :: Num a => Rational -> (a,a)
= numerator &&& denominator
unRatio >>> fromInteger *** fromInteger
pattern n :% d <- (unRatio -> (n,d))
Then, the probOf
probOf :: Eq a => a -> Odds a -> Rational
= foldOdds f b where
probOf e = fi (e == x) 1 0
b x :%d) y = (x * n + y * d) / (n + d) f x (n
This version doesn’t have the option for short-circuiting on the first value it finds.
For generating from lists, you can try to evenly divide the list among each branch.
fromListOdds :: (([b], Int) -> Integer) -> (b -> a) -> [b] -> Maybe (Odds a)
= r where
fromListOdds fr e = Nothing
r [] = Just (unfoldOdds f (xs, length xs))
r xs = Left (e x)
f ([x],_) = Right ((ys,l), fr (ys,l) % fr (zs,r), (zs,r)) where
f (xs ,n) = n `div` 2
l = n - l
r = splitAt l xs
equalOdds :: [a] -> Maybe (Odds a)
= fromListOdds (fromIntegral . snd) id
fromDistrib :: [(a,Integer)] -> Maybe (Odds a)
= fromListOdds (sum . map snd . fst) fst fromDistrib
What’s really nice about this version is the fact that the old append
is just the Choice
constructor, leaving the instances to be really nice:
flatten :: Odds (Odds a) -> Odds a
= foldOdds Choice id
instance Applicative Odds where
pure = Certain
<*> xs = flatten (fmap (<$> xs) fs)
instance Monad Odds where
>>= f = flatten (f <$> x) x
Finally, as a bonus, to remove duplicates:
lcd :: Foldable f => f Rational -> Integer
= foldl' (\a e -> lcm a (denominator e)) 1
toDistrib :: Odds a -> [(a,Integer)]
= factorOut . foldOdds f b where
toDistrib = [(x,1)]
b x = (map.fmap) (n%t*) l ++ (map.fmap) (d%t*) r where
f l p r = numerator p
n = denominator p
d = n + d
t = (map.fmap) (numerator . (lcd'*)) xs where
factorOut xs = fromIntegral . lcd . map snd $ xs
counts :: (Ord a, Num n) => [(a,n)] -> [(a,n)]
counts .
Map.assocs +)
Map.fromListWith (
compress :: Ord a => Odds a -> Odds a
= let Just ys = (fromDistrib . counts . toDistrib) xs in ys compress xs
After reading yet more on this, I found that the main issue with the monad is its performance. Two articles in particular: Larsen (2011), and Ścibior, Ghahramani, and Gordon (2015), refer to a GADT implementation of the monad which maximises laziness.